2.4 I'm sorry

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~ Elija ~

When I'm finally ready, knowing what I have to say, I open my eyes and meet Gray's gaze. I lift my hands and gently grip his upper arms, to show him I'm serious when I tell him, "I'm so, so sorry, Gray, but I don't feel that way for you. I'm sorry. I just—" I let out a disheartened sigh. "I feel like such a dick. You liked me before we slept together, didn't you?"

He nods slowly and I sigh again, staring up at the ceiling.

"Then why did you do it?"

"I don't know, Eli. I'm just stupid."

"Oh, Gray, Gray... I should've never—"

"It's okay. It's my own fault."

No, it's not his fault he fell in love with me. Of course it's not. You can't choose who you fall in love with. Even if I've never experienced it myself, I know that. I let go of his arms and take few steps back. I keep looking into those warm eyes of his, seeing the emotions pouring out of them, hating the fact that those feelings are there for me.

Like, shit... I never wanted that. I don't do all that love crap and definitely not with my friends. I feel so unbelievably bad for Gray. This is so fucked up. I step away from him even farther and almost trip over my own feet. Gray reaches out for me, but I quickly back away. "I'm sorry, Gray. I really am. I-I'll just go..."

He starts to open his mouth to say something, so I bolt, getting away from him as quickly as I can. I fly down the stairs of the building and burst out of the front entrance. When I get to the side of the building, I sit down on the cold ground, my back against the gray wall, winding my fingers up my hair, pressing my forehead into my knees, feeling totally lost. Fuck...

I stay seated like that for a long time until I hear a female voice call my attention. "Yo, dude, what's up?"

I look up to see a stocky girl with dark clothes, dark make-up and long, wavy, snow-white hair. I don't answer her question, though. I wouldn't even know where to start. Besides, I don't even know who she is. Nevertheless, she sinks down beside me. She pulls out a pack of cigarettes and sticks one in her mouth, before offering one to me. After a moment of hesitation, I take it from her and she lights it. We take a few drags in silence, until she speaks up again, "Having a rough day?"

I let out an elongated sigh, blowing out the smoke from my cigarette. "I fucked everything up."

"Hmm, let me guess. You cheated on your girlfriend?"

I turn my head to give her a frown. "Uh, not exactly, no."

"Umm, then you—"

I hold my hand up to silence her. "Don't even try, seriously. It's much, much more complicated than that."

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