4.1 You know I won't

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~ Mikael ~

"Eli, you wanna go out tonight?"

He stops writing notes and looks up, proceeding to stare at me for a full minute. I'm tempted to snap my fingers in front of his nose to wake him up, but I only add, "To Woody's or whatever. Seth always likes that place."

He finally blinks a few times, then says, "Oh, sure."

"We can bring Pat and Gina."

"Sounds like fun," he replies, smiling. I peer at him and try to figure out if he's being honest or not, but then the smile slowly turns into that infamous smirk. "You're not gonna make me swear on my auntie's life again?"

"Well, I don't know what to expect from you now. You said you'd 'tone it down a bit'. I don't know what that means."

"It means exactly what it sounds like. I'm toning it down."

"So you're not completely... off sex?"

He chuckles and shrugs. "Well, you know me. I don't think I'm able to."

Those words make me feel a twinge in my stomach and I kind of want to hit myself to make it stop. I know this whole sleeping-with-Elija-fiasco was because I was jealous and it's just... so fucking stupid. Oh, yes, I know it very well, in the safe confines of my own mind, but I would never admit it out loud.

I just don't understand why any of it makes me jealous. It doesn't make any sense. Why would I want to have sex with a guy—no less Elija—when I'm not even attracted to men?

I'm pretty sure I'm not.

I keep staring as Elija's smile slowly dissolves until there's nothing left of the joy that was once there. A million emotions are showing on his face, but I can't name any of them. If I'm being completely honest, I've never seen them on his face before.

He clears his throat, the sound somehow making him appear embarrassed, and he looks down at the table again, twirling his pen around in his fingers, expertly letting it move around his hand at a speed I'd never be able to master. But then the pen stops twirling, brought towards the notebook, pausing right above the paper.

"Who knows, maybe I would," I hear Elija mutter.

I doubt it. But then again, he did say...

"Who are you in love with?"

He never gave me an answer earlier, and I really, really want to know. I wanna know who this person is, because I'm sure the only reason he would be able to stop sleeping around is if he loved someone. This has to be why this is happening.

He sighs, "Mikky, I already said I wasn't going to say the name."

"If you aren't saying the name, tell me what they look like or whatever. I want to know something. Anything."

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