Chapter 9

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Ashar's POV.

"Its heavily raining Ashar." She said and I turned to her.

"I can see that you stupid." I said and she turned to me fully.

"Don't call me stupid. Can't you see its heavily raining. How we are going to reach home??" She asked but I didn't answer her and took a left turn.

I was driving while outside its raining so rapidly that it was difficult for me to kept driving. The stormy air was making the night more horrible. I tuned to see Maham who was looking so scared.

"Hey don't worry. I'll take you home safe and sound " I said and she just nodded still looking out.

As I turned on right I saw a huge traffic ahead of me. My car stopped. I tried to revers the car but I was stuck. There were a lot of cars behind me. I tried to see why was all cars stuck.

"I'm going out." I said and took the seat belt out.

"No." Maham hold my hand and I look at her.

"Are you mad?? Can't you see the weather. It's raining Ashar." She said looking at me worriedly.

"I know but I have to see what is happening there??" I said and freed my and and open the door.

As I open the door,a cold breeze touched me and I felt myself freezing. I close the door immediately and walked toward the huge traffic jam. As I reached the spot,I saw two big trees were placed in the middle of the road.


Why I took this shortcut to reach home???

I thought and went back in car because I knew,these are not going to move now. Till morning we are stuck here. As I entered the car,I was fully wet and was shivering.

"You idiot I told you not to go out." She said looking at me.

But I didn't answer her and turn the heater on. I was shivering.

"Ashar you okay??" Maham put her hand on mine.

"God you are freezing. Idiot." She said and run to the backseats.

I was rubbing my hand to warm myself. She took her two shopping bags and start searching something. She took a scarf out and passed me. I look at her.

"Clean your face with it." She said I took that scarf and starts wiping the water from my face and hands.

She grabbed that scarf from my hand and I look at her. She turned to me fully and leaned toward me. Her hands start moving on my head with scarf. She was drying my hair with that scarf and then she wipe water all over my face,neck and ears. I forgot that I was feeling cold. The warmth of her hands heated me.

"Here wear this." She gave me a shirt and I came to my senses.

"Huh!!" I asked confused.

"I bought this for my brother Rameez but now you need it. Hurry up or you'll get cold." She said and I nodded.

I took my shirt off and look at her who just look at me for once and then turned to the window. I wore the shirt she gave me and she turned to me. I was buttoning my shirt when she took that shirt which I took off from my hand and spread it on the back of her seat.

I increased the heat of the heater and took her scarf again to dry my hair.

"I'm getting scared." I heard her and she looking out.

"I'm scared of these stormy airs and thunders." She said and turned to me fully.

"Don't be scared. We'll be home home soon." I smiled to lighten her tension.

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