Chapter 1 "sickness"

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It was mid afternoon. The sun shining bright, it was hot and clammy outside. I heard a loud knock outside my bedroom door. "Come in" I say really annoyed. It was my sister Carmen. "Your still sitting here on your phone" she mused. Ignoring her i kept looking at my phone. "Come watch the news something crazy shit is going on" she said as she slammed the door behind her.

Not really feeling up to it I continued to scroll on my Instagram slowly liking pictures along the way. "Camille!" She yelled from the living room. Feeling irritated I get up and walk down stairs on the plush white carpet. "If you don't leave me the hell alone" I say with attitude laced in my voice as I inch up to the couch. She shushed me with her bright blue eyes trained on the tv, deciding to finally look over I watch the news female news reporter frantically talk about some sort of sickness.

"Earlier this morning a 16 year old girl was arrested for biting a chunk out of her mothers arm". Well that was straight forward  I thought as I continued watching.

" I see and officer now" she stated as she ran towards the officer hoping to get an interview.

"Sir can you please give me a little information on the girls condition?" she said as she brought the micro phone to his mouth.

"When we pulled her from the house she had blood shot eyes and she was forcefully waving her arms in the air and screaming. She looked like she was in pain, she was sweaty and very pale" the officer replied. "I never seen anything like it.

"Is there any indication as to why she bit her mom in such a brutal manner" the news reporter said once again bringing the micro phone to his mouth.

"As far as we know her mother said she has been acting crazy all week. So we are going to take her to the hospital and see what's wrong with her". "Thank you for your time officer, this is Cindy from fox 8 news in Cleveland Ohio back to you Randy".

Before I could watch any more she turned the tv off. "Isn't that crazy" she said while looking up. "Yeah I guess, that's what you wanted me to watch" I say carelessly as I plop on the couch next to her. "Yeah the crazy thing is that's not the only one a couple of days ago a 53 year old man killed his wife and three kids in Mississippi". "what does that have to do with any- "that's not it" she said as she cut me off. "He didn't just kill them he ate them" she said with worry laced in her voice. "It still doesn't stop There, an 18 year old boy was coughing up blood in class and lunged at a student teacher trying to bite her " she said with wide eyes. They said it took 10 kids to get him off of her before any principles came".

I nodded looking down at the hardware floor . "what are you trying to say Carmen?".  "I don't know" she said rubbing her hands together in her lap.

"Maybe something big is going on, every officer on the case said the exact same thing. Their eyes where red, paled skin and sweaty. I looked at my hands, was this really a coincidence? I mean I noticed at school a few people were sick but all they did was cough. They didn't look pale and their eyes weren't red.

"I'm just saying maybe you should stay home from school, just in case" . I looked at her like she grew two heads "Are you crazy!?" . "this is my senior year and you know how much school means to me!" I practically yelled. I knew I was probably over reacting but if I missed to many days from school I wouldn't be able to graduate with honors. I've been making it a habit to go to school everyday and doing my homework while also managing to stay after school any day that I could for extra credit.

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