Chaper 12 "talk"

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    Camille's Pov

I could stand up on my own now and the scratch on my face was staring to disappear I got horrible headaches daily though, you know when you see crazy YouTube videos of daredevils jumping in front of trains or jumping over cars and before the video they say don't try this at home? Seriously don't try it, it hurts bad.

I couldn't even sleep. It was currently 3 in the Morning and all I have done was Toss and turn, I decided to find Scott's room he was good to talk to and plus I wanted to see him. I didn't know if I had the right room but I silently knock and I hear a groggy "come in"
The room was dimly lit and Scott was sprawled out on the bed with nothing but boxers on I blush hard and I'm glad he couldn't see me.

"It's Camille" I say quietly and his head snaps up before he scrambles on the bed falling off with a thud.

"Camille? H-how you doing?" He says standing up awkward. He realized he didn't have pants on and he zoomed to the drawl and pulled out some basketball shorts and quickly put them on almost falling the in process. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight

"I um couldn't sleep and I needed some one to talk to" I say shyly

"And you want to talk to me?" He said
Damn he was making this hard.

"Yeah" I dragged out

He smiled to himself and even in the dimly lit room I could see his deep dimples. "Well come sit. Let's talk" he say bowing his hands out in front of the bed like I was a queen or something.

I silently laugh and sit next to him on end of the bed. "So what's on your mind Cam" he says looking over at me

That was the first time he called me by my nickname nobody called me Cam Except Kacy and my sister, "true fully I can't sleep"

"Me either not since this whole thing happened" he sighed

"I still can't believe it, the world as we knew it is gone now we have to live it"
He Lyes down on his back and signals for me to also when his arm stretched out. I lye back to and he wraps his arm around my shoulder, I try to play it cool and act like it was normal but my heart was beating out of control.

"Ever wonder if the earth was to far gone to be saved" he suddenly says
I turn over so that I'm looking at him and he keeps his eyes trained on the ceiling above. "What do you mean" I whisper confused

"I don't know it's just with all the destruction and violence that was going on in the world maybe it was to much to handle, maybe God decided it was enough and ended it with the sickness"  he says finally look over at me

"Like Noah and the ark?"

"Exactly. Maybe earth was to far gone, ever watch 2012?" He questions

"No" I reply

"Well in the movie 2012, the world ends by humongous earth quakes and tsunamis and this man try's to get his loved ones on this big bout and it was being rented out to rich family's but he finds away to get him and his family there safely. The boat was sorta like the ark" he says in thought.

"So your saying that the sickness is sorta like the earthquakes and tsunami?" I say Amused

"It's just a thought" he says

I smile at him and we stare at each other for a few seconds before he brakes the silence


"What" I softly reply I was starting to get a little tired.

"Please don't do anything stupid like jumping out a moving car again" he says sincerely

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