Chapter 11 "Half way point"

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     Everyone heads back up to the gas station to get some more supplies and to fill the two gas cans up. I leave champ in the car with Delilah and Scott and hear back in the gas station since I didn't get anything for myself the first time.

I grab a bunch of food and candy and shove it in my duffle bag. We just about cleaned the store out the cars were packed with food. I was in the middle of opening a back of hot Cheetos when I hear Delilah scream.

Whipping my head up I take out my bow and run towards the front of the store. Carmen and Adrian quickly follows me. I see Delilah hop out the car pointing down the road. When I looked there were sickos everywhere coming towards us. Champ was in the back seat jumping up and down trying to bark but since he was a puppy he just yelped. It was kinda cute actually, I snap myself out of my thoughts and turn towards Carmen and Adrian. "We need to leave now!" They both nod there heads running to the car. I take one more glance at the sickos, they were getting close. Where the hell did they come from? I run back into the gas station to get my duffle bag. I was just about to head back out when I turn around and snatch the hot Cheetos bag.
Don't judge they can't go to waist.

When I came back out I hear everyone yelling at me I quickly turn around being tackled by a young girl who looked to be my age. She scratched the side of my cheek and I hissed in pain. Before she could do anything else I kick her off of me and she flys back. I grab my book bag and scramble in the car.

"Drive!" I scream to Delilah and she slams her foot on the gas speeding away. I turn around and she Carmen car still sitting there. The woman was up banging on the glass. Why the hell were they not moving The other sickos were still a little far off but not for long. "Delilah stop the car!"

"Hell no! I'm not getting attacked by one of those things." This bitch had some nerve she was just going to leave them behind. Without thinking I jump out the car and Delilah screeched to a stop. I hit my head on the hard concrete ground and instantly feel blood dripping down the side of my head. I get up shaking by head before focusing and running full force towards the car. I see Kacy get out on the other side of the car shooting the women in the head. That sprang the others to life and they started walking faster.

"Kacy what the hell I scream" taking out my bow and shootings few sickos that were getting close.

"Amber went in there to get you. She hadn't come back out yet" she yells pointing towards the front door. I didn't even see her go in there, "hold them off I'm going in there" I yell and Carmen, Adrian and Jack gets out the car pointing there guns. "Only shoot if they get to close carmen yells

I felt a little dissy but I shook it off running into the store. I see Amber lying down unconscious and a sicko with a knife in its head. I sling my bow over my shoulder and drag her by her shoulders. Damn she's heavy I thought as I drag her out the store Scott and Amber were by the car with there guns raised also. A little help I yell and Jack comes over picking her up bridal style putting her in the back seat. I start to feel dissy again and the last thing I see is Scott running over to me before I fall and hit my head again.

Scotts Pov

I look over and see her sway a little bit the blood on the side of her head was quickly oozing out. "Shit" I murmur running over to her i wasn't fast enough and she falls down hitting her head again I quickly pick her up bridal style and run towards the car. I can't believe she jumped out a moving car. As crazy as it was it was kinda badass and the fact that she got back up and kept ran was unbelievable. This girl was something else.


we arrive at the cabin yesterday and Camille still haven't woken up. I pat my shirt on the side of her forehead. The bleeding stopped and she looked fine but she got scratched does that mean she'll turn? The cut looked fine it didn't look affected or anything but I was still worried. Amber was worse she woken up but she was pale she said she didn't get bitten though. The cabin was pretty nice and surprisingly it was big and empty we got settled in rooms and put the food and supply's away. I was currently sitting next to Camille she was laying down on the bed Carmen chose for her, champ laid next to her comfortably.

She's been out since yesterday I haven't left her side Carmen come and goes Kacy, Adrian and Jack too but I haven't left her side besides to eat and use the restroom.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard groaning she moved her head side to side before she opened those beautiful hazel eyes, "Scott?" Her voice was raspy and I let go of her hand to give her the water on the night stand.

Champ started to get up and lick her hand.
I bring it to her dry lips and she sips it slowly. "What happened" she says trying to get up. "Take it easy" I say
And she lays back down holding her bandaged head.

"You kinda jumped out of a moving car, nothing major" I say trying to make it sound like nothing

"Wh-" she stops herself mid sentence looking of into space.
"Never mind I remember, How's Amber" she says slowly Turing around.

"She's a little snappy and she doesn't look well but she's been resting up, also champs been growling at her lately" said I say as I tuck a few brown curls out of her face She just stares at me silently for a few seconds.

"Well I'm very hungry" she laughs she was so beautiful her smile gave me butterflies. Wow I sound like a little bi-
"Scott?" I snap out of my thoughts
"Ill go get you something" I say and she smiles at me before I get up and head towards the kitchen champ following me close behind yipping. "You hungry to boy?" I say picking him up and he wiggles around happily in my hand trying to bark.
I have to say it was pretty weird that nobody was here the door was unlocked and everything. We were in the middle of no where the house was on a hill looking over a lake. Everyone here had there own rooms and bathroom. We got enough supplies to last us a while but how we would get more when we run out was still in the back of my mind. The power and gas worked as long with the water so I was grateful. Walking into the kitchen I see Carmen at the stove with some soup.

"Camille's awake I was just coming to bring her food"

" I got it, go get some rest and take a shower you kinda stink"

I laugh silently and nod my head putting down champ, "make sure you feed him too" I say Walking passed the living room.

I see Delilah and Jack watching some show on the tv. Delilah actually looks less bitchy around Jack which was a good thing I guess, at least she was leaving me alone. I walk into my bedroom taking off my shirt and walking over to the bathroom.

I let the hot water trail down my back relaxing my muscles. I grab the body wash that was already here. It made me smell like vanilla cookies but I wasn't complaining. Thinking of yesterday's events i turn the water off and step out grabbing my towel. When I look up I see Delilah on my bed In her underwear.

"What the hell are you doing" I yell

She jumps up quickly "I-I thought this was jacks room she stammers.

Before I could reply she sprints out my room slamming the door. What the heck was that, was she sleeping with Jack now?

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