Old memories.

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Camille's pov

I look in front of me staring at the place that I grew up in. I was now back in the city like an idiot. I knew it wasn't safe here but I didn't have anywhere else to go. I ran into quite I few sickos on my way here. But I was able to take them all out easily with my katana.  I need to get inside before anyone sees me. I learned very quickly that you couldn't trust anyone. I ran into a few people. The first people was two men who were probably in their late 50s. It was right after I left the group. They tried to rape me and I killed them both. That messed  me up afterwards. I had never took anyone's life who wasn't a sicko. It almost wanted to make me turn back and go back to the group but I didn't. I thought about Scott everyday. At the time I felt that leaving would be the best option for me.... but I was wrong. I didn't have any human contact with anyone and I was completely alone. So I came to the only place I could think of, my old house. I walk up to the door knowing it would be locked but as cliche as it sounds Carmen always kept a key under the welcome Matt. I flip over the welcome Matt seeing the silver key come into view. Quickly looking over my shoulder I unlock the door and step into the house closing the door quietly behind me. I knew that we locked the door before we left and the locked windows weren't broken, so there probably wasn't anyone in the house. But that didn't stop me from pulling out my sword cautiously. The house looks exactly how we left it, in a hurry. There were pillows scattered on the floor in the living room.  I walk towards the hallway slowly seeing the pictures on the wall. The first picture I see is Carmen's graduation picture. Her blue eyes shined bright as she showed her pearly whites to the camera. A soft smile took over my face. But then it was quickly gone as I thought about the cabin. She was probably still laying on the hard wooden floors. Rotting along side my best friend Kacy. Tearing my eyes from the photo I continue down the hall way towards my room. It was open and I step in carefully. Seeing my old room almost made me bust into tears. It was hard to realize that just a year ago I was sitting in this room doing homework, watching Tv, constantly looking in the mirror pulling at my stomach because I thought I was fat. I laughed a little at the thought. Being practically starved everyday makes you lose weight.  I was still Thick but my stomach was flatter then usual. You even see my rib cage now. Sitting on my bed I look around slowly. This was depressing, why was I here. Was this the best possible option for me?. This place wasn't safe when we left so why would it be safe now? I thought to myself. Getting up I walk back towards the Kitchen. I knew we had already cleaned out the pantry so I didn't bother looking. I was about to open the door to the basement when I hear a click. I knew that sound all to well as I slowly turn Around. I don't bother taking out my sword because I knew it couldn't compare to a gun. When I'm fully turned around. It was a guy. He had on ripped skinny jeans and a somewhat blue tight shirt. His black compact boots were dusty. I put my hands up slowly never breaking eye contact. His eyes were a light blue.... just like Carmen's and oddly enough his hair was a dark red. Reminding me of Kacy. I couldn't help but stare at his nose ring. How did he get in here? "Who the hell are you" he says. His voice wasn't deep at all, it was actually quite feminine. "I could ask you the same" I glare. "This is my house"

He just scoffs " hunny I've been living here for a while" his eyes widen in realization. "Are you? Are you the girl in photos?" I furrowed my eyebrows his rifle was still pointed at me and my hands were still in the air. "What are you talking about" I say. "In the hallway. You look just like the girl in that graduation photo. There were a few others bu-" " that was my sister" I say cutting him off. He sighs putting down his rifle. I let out the breath I was holding. I keep my hands up for a second before punching him in the jaw. His rile fell on the floor and I hurry up and grabbing it pointing it towards is face. I knew better than to trust anyone. The nicest looking people end up being black wolfs. I've learned my lesson from being to accepting towards others. He groans holding his jaw. "Bitch are you crazy" he shrieks wide eyed. He fumbles in his pockets to pull out a small mirror checking his face. He gasps as he fingers brush over the red mark along his jaw. I furrow my eyes brows as I look at him.  "Do you have any idea how much work it takes to keep this beautiful face looking flawless at a time like this!"
Before I could speak he cuts me off. "Of course you don't look at you! Looking like a damn lion with that curly mess you got sitting on top of your head" he gestures snapping to me Turing the mirror towards my face. I looked horrible, but my hair was a curly mess it was frizzy and dry looking. I never payed much attention to my looks considering we were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. That wasn't the point! He was worried about his looks and while I had my- i mean his gun pointed to his head. He walks over to the island stool completely ignoring the fact that I still had the rifle pointed towards him. "Why are you acting so careless" I say in disbelief. "I have a gun pointed to your face!" He looks up from the mirror he pulled out again. "Girl bye, if you wanted to shoot this flawless face you would have" he says he looks back at the mirror briefly before glancing up at me. "Sit down or something I know your arms hurt" he laughs gesturing to me holding the gun.

Was something wrong with this guy? He was so careless. "What's your name hunny" he says closing the mirror. I just glare at him. "Ok well my name is Dakota, my friends call me K-baby..... well If I had any left" he muses. I put down the gun, he wasn't threatened and I looked stupid trying to intimidate him. "You said you've living here?" I say curiously. "Mhmm" he says looking bored picking his finger nails. "The house doesn't look like it's been even been touched since I left" I say walking over to the dining room chair farthest from him. He turns around in his seat crossing his legs. "I live in the basement" he says shrugging is shoulders. "Why?". "Because I figured it would be safer then living through out the whole house. "How did you get the house to begin with"

"The key was under the Mat" he says laughing. "I mean come on! Under the welcome Mat?" I shrug my shoulders and he gets up rolling his eyes. I set my hand on the gun cautiously. When he walks over the the cabinet under the kitchen sink pulling out a box. He turns it over reading something before leaning on the counter. Hair dye? The model in the front of the box had dark blue hair. He starts opening the box taking out the continents. Looking up at me he says "you know I have more hair dye boxes. Your hair really could use some fixing" I stare at him. What the hell have I gotten myself in to?.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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