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Everyone was in two cars except Carmen and Kacy. "What are they doing!" Delilah yells frantically.

"Stop yelling delil-" Scott was cut off by a loud bang on the garage door. The first bang was followed by several booming bangs. "Shit they found us" I mutter to myself. Getting my bow from my lap I start to get out the car.
"Where are you going" jack and Scott say in unison.

"I'm getting my sister and my best friend" I mutter jumping out the car. They went inside to get something 5 minutes ago and There still not back. My stomach felt tight as I drew the bow to my lips walking in the kitchen. The house was quiet.

"Carmen...... Kacy?" I whisper shout. I start to walk into the living room not seeing any sign of them. When I walk towards the hallway of the rooms that's when I see her. My sister staring back at me. My heart drops out of my stomach as I look at her face better. She had blood shot eyes and her mouth was dripping with blood. I look down to see Kacy laying on the ground in a pool of blood. "Kace" I whisper sadly. Dropping my bow. Tears immediately welled up in my eyes. The grunt that left my sisters mouth caught my eye. "Carmen please don't" I whisper putting my hands up. She just grunts before running at me in a full sprint. I never seen a sicko run this fast before. She caught me off guard tackling me to the floor.

I quickly grab her hands pulling them in front of her as she try's to bite at my face. "Stop Carmen please!" I wail. She try's her hardest to bite at me, blood dripping through her mouth. I move my face to the side long enough for her blood to drip on my cheek instead of my mouth. I fine the strength to push her off of me by smacking her face away. Staggering back I try to fine my bow but it was behind her there was no way I could reach it without getting attacked. She charged at me again and I bring my foot out kicking her in the stomach forcing her to fly back. "Carmen please stop this" I stream no longer caring about how loud I was. I couldn't believe how my sister who was just barking out order 15 minutes ago was set out to kill me. Her eyes were getting redder and her once beautiful blue eyes were black now. She charges at me again and the next thing I know her forehead created a small whole excessive blood started to poor out the whole and she made one last grunt as she tumbled to the floor. Behind the gun was Scott. His next words were blanked out as he screams at me. He looked frantic trying to pull me up. "We need to leave now" he say fast his words were muffled by the ringing of my ears. I was to in shock to scream or cry or anything has my sister lay at my feet. He jerks me up and I take one last look at Kacy in the hallway that we pass before being practically dragged to the car. The banging on the garage door was loud. I was shoved into the back seat of the car with Delilah and jack.

"What the hell took you so long!, and why is your face bloody" Delilah yells I just stare straight ahead as I see Scott turn the car on. Theo does the same before he hurries up and run out the car opening up the garage door. Dozens of sickos tumbles in and he manages to dodge their bloodied faces and claws as he sprints back to the car. Slamming the door. Scott speeds out of the drive way hitting every sicko behind us the jeep crushed them beneath its Wheels. Theo does the same and we go down the heel reversed. Once we were down the hill a few sickos could be seen down the street but we head in the opposite direction deeper towards the country. My entire body felt numb and I couldn't bring myself to feel anything. Delilah and jacks questions were muffled somehow as they ask me a ton of questions.

"Where is Carmen and Kacy"
"Who's blood is that"
"Are you bleeding"
"Can you explain what's going on" I ignore them all. But Scott speaks up looking in the rear view mirror. "Carmen and Kacy are dead" he says flatly and all conversation stops the car was dead silent. Nothing was heard but the sound of the car driving along the road. Delilah looks over to me with a look of pity in her eyes. "Camille I'm so s-"

"Don't" I say hardly cutting her off
"Don't act like you care. You never like Carmen or Kacy anyway, safe your pity for something else." I mutter staring straight ahead. just then I feel a piece of my heart drift away. Carmen is dead. My sister who took care of me for as long I could remember every time I tried to remember my mom her face comes to mind. The last bit of family I had left in the world. Gone.
My best friend Kacy whom I grew up with. The one who helped me get over boys, the one who came over every summer, the one who would always tell me to face my fears like a bad ass, gone.

It was foolish of me to think we were safe. It was foolish to think that somehow we were cut of from the crises that happened, it was foolish to think that playing house with a false family would make me forget that the world was over.

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