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All of us were in the living room eating spegetti. Sam was ranting on about how batman was a real bat and Theo just smiles at him.

Delilah sat in the corner with a huge plate of pasta. She was scarfing it down like her life depended on it. I see Carmen glance at her and Delilah slows downs glaring at her.

I wasn't really hungry so I decided to go to my room. Everybody was too wrapped up in their conversations to notice anyway.

I was still kinda hot from Scott.
The war he kissed me... he kissed me like he couldn't get enough and trufully I couldn't either.

I needed relief but instead I just Plop on my bed hot and bothered.

Scott's pov

I notice her get up from where she was sitting, probably to go to her room. I continue to talk to though. I will get up and follow her in a few minutes I didn't want to make it obvious. I was still a little turned on from earlier.

I get up going to the kitchen to wash my plate. I need to feel her skin on mine her lips on my mouth. She was like a drug and I needed more.

I was about to head to her room when Kacy spoke.  "Where you going scott? We were about to play a game off uno come join-"

"No thanks I'm pretty tired actually, I think I'll get some rest"

Her and Adrian just looked at each other with grins on there faces.


"That's funny" says Kacy

"You didn't look tired a few minutes ago"  she grins looking in the direction of  Camille's room.

I just stare at them with a bored expression.

"Oh leave him alone" Adrian laughs turning kacy's attention to her. I take the opportunity to slip into the dark hallways of the cabin making my way to Camille's room. When I see her she is laying on her bed. I enter slowly and she brings her head up to look at me.  I looked into her bright  green eyes, her hair was in a curly messy bun and her tank top was tight around her chest. You could visibly see her hard nipples through her shirt. My member hardened seeing this but I force my self to break my gaze of her chest and I look to her face. "Hey" she shyly says breaking the silence.

"Hey.." I smile walking over to sit next to her. Before I could say anything else I hear a ruffle outside her window. We both snap are heads to the window.

"Did you hear that" she whispers.
I nod my head slowly. Next a groan was heard. "Shit" she mutters crawling to the window. To peak out the blinds. She draws back quickly her face pale, her breath quickening. "We need to leave" she says quickly staggering out of the bed fast.

I look through the blinds and my heart drops. Sickos, what looks to be hundreds of them around the cabin.
"What the hell" I mutter. Camille goes through her closet in a hurry grabbing a jacket and tossing it on. She runs out the room.
I quickly follow.

"We have to leave" I whisper shout. Erupting everyone's loud laughter and conversation. Everyone one looks up at me confused. "Sickos!, they are everywhere". I say frantically pointing to the window. Carmen stands up stiffly looking out the window. She quickly looks at me eyes wide.

"What" Delilah yells frantically standing up abruptly. "I thought we were safe here!" She screams.

"Would you shut the hell up" I say containing my loudness. The rest of the  crew stands up to look out the window. 

"What's going on thee thee" Sam whispers trying to look out the window like his brother. He snatches him away from the window. "How the hell are we supposed to get out of here there's hundreds  of them!" Kacy quietly shouts from the window. They're coming towards the house.

"The lights!" Jack counters running around the living room shutting them off, Kacy and Adrian helping him by running to the other rooms in the house. 

"Everyone pack your bags" Carmen's says hardly. I knew this voice, the hard tone of my sister let me know this was foreal, this wasn't a joke.

"I'm taking Sam to the car in the garage " Theo says quickly walking away with scared little Sammy.

"How are we supposed to get out of h-" Scott says before Carmen cuts him of
"I said pack your things. When your done pick a car and wait for everyone" she says.  Scott swallows hard grasping my to pull me down the hall and into my room. We frantically pack my bag. With my belongings. I find my fathers favorite cavs hat placing it in my duffle bag with the rest of my things.

I put my compact boots on and finally look over to Scott he's staring at me scared. "We can't get out of here" he says. I walk up to him kissing him on the lips. It was a reassuring kiss. I pull away. "Go to your room and get your things, i am putting my bag  in the car" I say brushing against his shoulder to leaving the room I thought would be mine forever.

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