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1 year later.

Scott's pov.

It's been about a year since Camille left.  I still think about her everyday. I think about her bright green eyes, her curly soft brown hair, her lips. I missed them. I always thought she would come back, that she would change her mind but she didn't. After she walked down that road I never saw her again.

"Babe are you ok?" . I snap out of my thoughts and look up to the girl I grew to love. Adrian. She was there for me after Camille left, she was there when I needed someone to talk to. "Yeah" I mutter. She fully comes in the small apartment room sitting next to me on the bed.  "You don't sound ok" she says kneeling down in front of me. She put her hands on my cheeks pushing my head up. "I'm fine baby I promise" I smile kissing her on her forehead. "Okay well dinner is ready" she smiles hoping up from her crouching position. It was crazy how much everything has changed shortly after Camille left we found out that Delilah was pregnant. Jack was so shocked, he knew it was going to be hard raising a baby in this new world where sickos crawled everywhere. Theo died. We got our selfs in quite a jam and he risked his life to make sure we would get out. He told me before he died that I needed to take care of Sammy, I needed to treat him like one of my own. And I have been. He's like a little brother to me now. Sam was now 6 years old and a pain in the ass at times. But I loved him as my own... just like theo wanted me to.  Delilah almost died during the birth of her daughter. With no hospitals we had to birth the baby by our selfs. But in the end they both were fine and she named the baby lily. It was difficult the first few months. All the baby would do was cry as expected. And it would draw a lot of unwanted attention. We found an apartment duplex a few hours away from the city. It we had way more complications then when we were living at the cabin but we  were doing okay. Before it was Kacy, jack , Carmen , Camille , Theo , Delilah , Adrian , Sammy , and me. Now it was just jack, Delilah, Adrian , Sammy, lily and me . I've gotten used to it all after awhile it was hard for me accept that Camille would just walk away from our growing relationship. But she did. This was our life now.

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