Chapter 10 "Gas"

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     Camille's pov

  We quietly walk out the front door. Bodies littered the ground everywhere. I nodded at Kacy us both coming to a silent agreement she grabs the keys and slowly opens the door. I get in the front and Scott and Delilah get in the back. As much as I wanted to protest Delilah riding with us I knew it was not the time. Amber, Adrian and Jack get in Carmen's car. She starts up the engine and Carmen does the same. I look out the window to see heads snapping up.

"There starting to wake up!" Delilah screeched. She's already annoying me.
"Come on kace just drive to the back of the drive way and onto the next street." I say and she screeches the car down the driveway, Carmen quickly following behind. I see most of the sickos fully up know trying to trudge after us Which was a long shot. We were definitely out numbered but we were faster. We maneuver between cars and I put the address Jack said into the gps.
It's been two hours and we were on a long street to the middle of no where. I was hungry and irritated. Delilah would not stop talking and she kept trying to talk to Scott. I reach for my bag under the seat and take out a few crackers and a slim jim. The car stated to sputter before it came to a complete stop. "I guess we don't have anymore gas" Kacy's sighs. I see Jack hop out the car and walk towards the front window. "There is a gas station a few miles a head" he says. "A few people can walk up there, see if we can find anymore supply's." Kacy just sighs and bangs her head on the steering will. Everyone was tired and hungry. " why can't you just take the other car up there" Delilah asks rolling down her window.
Carmen shows up on the other side of the window almost scaring me. "We can but we won't get that far" . "I vote taking the car a little longer " I say hoping out the jeep and shutting the door. It was humid outside and I took my leather jacket of and tied my curly long hair in a bun. Scott gets out the car taking his shirt off. And I couldn't help but stare. He had a few tattoos on his chest and a band on his arm I never noticed his six pack was really defined too. I was to busy looking at him that I didn't notice that Carmen was waving her hand in my face. I snap out of it and I see everyone laughing at me but Delilah she had a devilish smirk on her face. I roll my eyes looking down waiting for everyone to stop snickering. When everyone catches their breath Carmen finally talks. "Okay since there's only two boys Jack you stay here and Scott you ride up to the gas station. I'll stay here".

"Me two. Take your time cause I'm taking a nap" Kacy sighs leaning the drivers seat back. Amber nodded her head agreeing

"I'll go" I say and Adrian shakes her head no stepping into the jeep to take a nap. "You know I'll think I will go too" Delilah says sweetly walking over to the passengers seat of the other car.
"So it's settled. You guys go and bring back some gas and supply's if you can. We will stay and rest up a little. There is two gas cans in the trunk"Carmen says tiredly. Scott walks over to the drivers seat his tanned skin glistening In the sun.
"Now or never" he's says walking out front we follow him on our way.

We haven't even drove 20 minutes and Delilah was trying to piss me off. "You know it is pretty hot out here" she says fanning herself dramatically. "I think I need to cool off a little." She smirks as she takes off her T-shirt setting it down on her lap she had a lime green Nike sports bra on. Scott glances at her for a second before putting his eyes back on the road. I hate to say it but I was a little jealous. Delilah played a sport so she had a nice body. She turned around facing Scott. "So tell me about your tattoos" she says seductively rubbing his arm band tattoo. I cringe and glance out the back seat window. I didn't know why I felt this way i mean it's not like we were dating. He slowly stops the car. "We don't have anymore gas we can walk the rest of the way" he says ignoring Delilah's question. I grab the cans next to me and hand over to Scott. He gives me a small smile that I don't return and I start walking up the road. I didn't have any reason to be mad at him he didn't do anything wrong but I felt a little insecure. Delilah was pretty she had her blond perfect hair her toned skin and bright eyes. She could easily get him if she wanted and from the looks of it she was trying. Why would he want me any way I was short with boring green eyes and curly hair. I didn't have a belly ring and a super bony stomach like Delilah. I was plane. I look back to see them talking and turn back around I could visibly see the gas station a head, I just wanted to get this over with.

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