Delilah #2

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     Delilah's Pov

  I stare at my stomach in the mirror. It was slightly round indicating that I'm either getting fat or I'm pregnant.
   Why me?  I'm scared and nobody can comfort me. Carmen's the only one that knows but I'm pretty sure when her goody two shoes sister gets back she'll be itching to tell her, they would probably laugh at me.

I knew it was jacks because he was  he's unfortunately the only one I've been with since the breakout.

Hearing a knock at the door I quickly pull my shirt down.

"What" I yell.
Carmen barged in and quietly shut the door. She gave me a look of pity.

"Look me crying and everything was a one time thing. So don't look at me like that" I said bitterly

"What are you going to do? This world is no longer fit for people to have children.  I just scoff "it not your concern Carmen"

She looks at me then my stomach for a few seconds. Did you tell jack?

I snap my eyes to her. "No and you won't either" I sneer.

She just widens her eyes in disbelief, "he has the right to know" she yells.

"Quiet down before anyone hears you!" I whisper shout.

She just crosses her hands over her chest like a disapproving mother.

"Weather you like it or not your pregnant and jack is the father. You need to tell him" she try's to reason.

"I don't need to tell him anything" I sneer stepping closer to her.

"Fine don't tell him, but it's only a matter of time before you start showing and from the looks of it your already starting too." With that she walks out of my room shutting the door.

"Bitch". I couldn't believe the situation i was in. If it was Scott's I would have better but it's not.

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