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Scott's pov.

I walked into the small living room sitting at the table next to Adrian. Everyone already started eating the rice  and beans. Delilah held lily on her lap bouncing her on her knee while she nibbled on the beans. Lily changed Delilah, she no longer acted out and she became very down to earth and chill. I respected her for that. Lily cooed trying to grab at the beans and jack sitting next to Delilah smiled down at her. They weren't a couple but Delilah and Jack both had mutual respect for each other they both loved lily equally. Sammy poked at his beans not impressed with tonight's dinner.  "You have to eat buddy" I say pushing the plate closer to him.  "But the beans are nasty and the rice taste weird" he mumbled. "This is what we have to eat" I say. He's was having one of those days again. When he missed Theo he acted out a little bit. I had to explain to him every time this happened that Theo  was in heaven. Every now and then he wouldn't talk for the whole day. He would shut everyone out. "What's the rule" I said.  He pushes his beans around a little before answering "never waste food" he mutters. "So If you eat all your food I'll take you outside" I say.
Everyone at the table looks at me worried. Last time he went hunting with me we got surrounded by sickos and he was so petrified that he ran off almost getting bitten in the process.

"Really!" He smiles happily. "Yes" I say finally. He starts to quickly eat his rice and beans. "Slow down buddy" I laughed as he continued to scarf down his food.  Adrian whispers to me "are you sure that's a good idea" she says. 
"It's fine" I say "he needs a little bit of fresh air."  Lily starts to whimper on Delilah's lap. " I guess it's time for her dinner"  she smiles picking her up and taking it her to one of the rooms. Jack stands up picking up her plate taking it to the sink to wash it.  "I'm going to go lay down babe" Adrian says kissing my cheek before standing up and putting her plate in the dish. Her English was much better then it used to be she was even teaching me some things in Spanish. 

Sam was now fully done with his dinner. "I'm ready Scotty" he smiles. I sigh. He loved calling me that. He had quite the nicknames. He calls lily, lil and jack Jackson sometimes. "Okay I'll let's go". 

He jumps up and down excitedly running to the door. "Hey wait out your jacket in it's chilly outside" i say. He rolls his eyes before picking up his jacket from the couch. It was a light purple jacket we found while searching for some food. It was a girls jacket but it fit him perfectly and he hated wearing it. "This jacket makes me look like a girl" he whines putting it on.  After it was on I grab the gun from the counter. We tried to never use guns because they were to loud and the attracted to much attention but that's all we had besides knifes as a solid weapon. I check out the window making sure there was no sickos around. There was usually more sickos around then at the old cabin because we were sorta close to the city. But it was nothing to extreme we couldn't handle. Not seeing any sickos around I unlock the door stepping out side. Sam following close by. The air was chilly, the yellow and orange  leaves fell from the trees in the wind as we walked down the stairs. "So what are we going to do Scotty! Are we hunting?" He asks warily. I just laugh patting him on the shoulder. "Just walking kiddo, just walking"

We walk down the road quietly for a few minutes just taking in the sad scenery before us. It was unfortunate really, just a year ago I was in school skipping class and smoking behind the bleachers. Now I was taking care of a kid that's not even mine and looking over my shoulder every chance that I got. "You know sometimes I wish Theo was still here" he mutters looking at the sky. Theo grew to become the big brother of everyone. He was very protective. He gave the orders... just like Carmen. They were so similar when it came to protecting the group. It was sad that both of their life's had to be taken at such a young age. "Yeah me too" say "do you think the world will ever be the same" he asks " I stop too look at him. " No. but as long as we have each other we will be fine" I say kneeling down to his level. He wraps his arms around my neck hugging me. Standing back up I notice a blue ball resting against a tree. I walk over to it picking it up, it wasn't flat or anything. Wonder where the kid that owner this ball was. Probably a sicko.

"Let's play catch" I say and his eyes light up extending his hands out. Small moments like these I lived for.

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