Chapter 18 "swim?"

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  Camille's Pov

      Theo was nice and a little cocky I could tell that my sister disliked him a little. And I had to admit he was pretty cute

We were out side and it had to be the hottest day of the year. My hair was in a knotted mess and I had a thin shirt on with shorts.

Kacy, Adrian and Delilah had on sport bras and shorts and Carmen had on a sundress.

All the boys had there shirts off and I couldn't stop staring at Scott he caught me a few times smirking me. Carmen suddenly got up and starting walking down the hill.

"We're you going" I yell after her and she turns around.

"To the lake, it's too hot and I'll think I'll go for a swim" she says continuing to walk. Scott gets up to following "a nice swim wouldn't hurt" he says lifting his hand out motioning me to take it and I smile walking towards him grabbing his hand.

"I'm wanna swim to thee" Sammy whines and Theo rolls his eyes slowly getting up.

Delilah purks up and follows.

"What about you three" Scott asked Kacy, Jack and Adrian they all nod there heads no and Jack say he's going to go take a nap and we leave.


Getting there everyone starts to strip out of there clothes. The girls wearing their bras and underwear and the boys In there boxers.

I wait for everyone to get in and slowly take my clothes off. I slowly walk into the water feeling the cool water on my skin. I look out and see Carmen talking to Theo and Delilah trying to join the conversation, I look around walking into the water looking for Scott but I didn't see him. I was now stomach deep in the water and I still didn't see him.

I feel hand grab my waist and I feel a hard chest on my back. Whipping around startled my curly hair hits Scott in the eye

"Sorry" I say laughing and he hold his hand over his eye dramatically.

"I don't think I will be able to go on" he whines throwing his head around dramatically. I grab his cheek pulling his face down, "your right it looks pretty bad" I say expecting his eye.

"Really he says?" And I kiss his eye softly and he grins pulling me in for a kiss.

"I have to say your body looks amazing" he says pulling away

I blush looking down. "Thanks I mumble against his chest.

Delilah's Pov

I was currently trying to get Theo's attention but he just kept talking to Carmen. To say I was annoyed would be an understatement, what did she have that I didn't I'm gorgeous and I have a killer body, I mean I have noticed that lately I've been gaining a few pounds but I still got it.

I look over seeing Camille and Scott flirting. I see her kiss his eye and they talk a little bit before she puts her head down like she was blushing. God I could not stand her she and her wanna be sister were getting on my nerves. I tried to talk to Jack but ever since my little slip up he hasn't been speaking to me. So I was sexually frustrated. I didn't care for Jack at all he was the only one willing to give it up.

I feel a poke at my butt and I look down to see Sammy looking up at me.

"Is your butt real" he asks while he keeps poking it.

"Of course it's real you little monster" I say swatting his hand away.

"Your right lady it looks real you have cellulite." He says shrugging his shoulders before laying in the water and back floating away.

"What!!" I screech Turing slightly so I could get a good look. He's only 6 years old! How the hell does he know what cellulite means?

"Little devil" I mutter Turing around to walk out the lake. When I'm out I slip on my shorts and decide to go shirtless since I had a sports bra on.

I start to walk back to the cabin and I feel sick to my stomach. Lately I've been sick, it was weird I hardly ever get sick.

I stop in my tracks,Doubling over I let my lunch spill on the ground.
What the hell is wrong with me I think to myself. For the last two weeks I've thrown up at let three times a week. Afterwards I felt fine but it was still weird. Now that I think of it my period is late. My eyes widen in realization and I look at my stomach. "That's impossible I'm on the pill" I say to myself.  My Breaths started to pick up and my chest felt tight, I felt like someone had their hands around my throat. Knees dropping to the ground I try to breath but I can't. Shit I think I'm having a panic attack. I hear faint footsteps.

"Delilah?" I faintly hear

My eyes started to droop and I forced to keep them open.

The fast footsteps came closer.

"Delilah what's wrong!" I hear Carmen shout. She kneels beside me trying to figure out if I was hurt.

I whip my head up staring at Her frantically panting, tears blind my eyes.
Pointing to my chest I struggle to get the words out. "I-I can't b-breathe" I muster out.  "Okay! Okay look at me" she calmly says.

How could she be so calm at a time like this! I felt like I was dying. But I slowly look up at her.

"Just breathe" she says softly.

"I c-can't" I wail.

"Yes you can" she says a little firmly. "Just breathe the way I'm breathing" she says inhaling and exhaling dramatically so I can see. Matching my breathing with hers I start to calm down and breathe normally after what seemed like hours.

At this moment she reminded me of my mother. She rubbed my back like mom used to do to make sure I was okay. And I allowed myself to do something I never thought I'd do.

I hugged her and cried.

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