Chapter 5 "Hunger"

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It's been another two days and we were starting to run out of food . If we didn't find anything soon we would all starve to death. 

"What do we do!" Delilah panicked.

"I thought you didn't like are food anyway" I mused. She glared at me and walked to the living room while everyone released small laughs, even Amber.

We were currently standing around the kitchen table trying to think of a way to get more food.  The last two days has been exhausting. Just about Everybody wanted to get out of the cramped house. "There's a few stores  up the street!" I said remembering me and Kacy used to go up there all the time. It had wall-mart, Big lots,K-Mart, and a Dollar Three. I think there were few fast food places across the street as well. "We should send a few people up there" I continued "see if we can find any supply's".

"Absolutely not!" Carmen said looking at me like I asked to hit the club.

"I don't know. Maybe your sisters right." Jack warily agreed with me.

"No. I'm the adult and its to dangerous, we can't risk anyone getting turned". She yelled.

"We can't risk not going without food either!" I Shout at Her equally as loud. She narrowed her eyes challenging me. I knew my sister could probably kick my ass if she wanted to we use to always play fight and let's just say I never won. We both continued to glare at each other waiting for one of us to say a word. Why was she acting like this? I knew it was dangerous but we desperately needed food. Are mean mugs were broken when Adrian spoke up. "Look few of us go. see what we find" Adrian said in her strong Mexican accent. When She spoke English she never really made sense because her main language was Spanish. Carmen and I could understand some of the things she was saying and even communicate back because our mom was Hispanic. I remember she would speak to us in Spanish all the Time as kids.

"Okay fine. who?" Carmen sighed.
"I will go" Kacy said, Jack and Adrian agreeing. I looked over to Scott hoping he would volunteer but her didn't, he just looked around with his arms crossed. We've been waking up the last few mornings to talk since We both weren't able to sleep that long. we would always meet each other in the basement. I would show him how to shoot my cross bow a few times and he taught me how to throw my fathers old hunting knifes. He told me that he was good at throwing knifes, it explained why he had a pocket knife in the girls locker room last week. We haven't seen that many sickos, occasionally we could hear grunts and Groaning outside the house. Everybody would stop talking and hold their breathes waiting for the sickos to pass. The streets were so quiet it felt like we were the only human beings around.

"Take the jeep" Carmen started to say as she looked around for the keys.
"No it will just add more attention to us" Jack said warily. Nodding Carmen goes to the closet and pulls out a few Nike duffel bags.
"Pack light you guys" she announced as she set the bags on the table. "You need to be able to run at all times. And if you find anything make sure your cautious of the weight of your bag. We can always come back later if we need to" she stated. Kacy, Jack and Adrian both picked up their own duffle bag. "Are you sure you don't want to come Scott? We could use another guy" I ask softly once everyone stepped out into the living room. "Yeah. I'm not ready to go back out yet" he said rubbing the back of his neck. That was a cute habit he usually did when he was nervous. I nodded my head, Turning around I was starting to walk upstairs when he grabbed my wrist pulling me back. "Please stay safe" he said quietly "and don't do anything stupid". Looking down at my feet I once again nod my head. I don't know why I felt so shy around this guy. He made me fill butterfly's every time we talked. He walked off to the living room and I ran upstairs to get a few things. Smiling to my self I open my door up to Delilah standing by my trophy case staring at something in her hands. "What the hell are you doing in here!" I yelled startling her. She looked up wide eyed and dropped what she was holding. Looking at the ground I see the picture of my family that I took from my parents room. "I'm sorry I was just looking" she said. She didn't look or seem sorry at all. She just stood there and I could see her lips stretch up a little, almost as if she was smiling and smirking at the same time.
"Get out" I firmly said while pointing my finger at the door. She slowly walked passed me, brushing our shoulders as she we went. I didn't know how long I was going to last with Delilah here, she did every little thing possible to get on my nerves. Amber was getting better though she started to talk to more people out of the group then just Delilah. She was also making an effort to help around the house too. But Delilah was still annoying and bitter.
I carefully pick the picture up afraid that I would bend it and set it on my dresser.

Slipping on some socks from my Drawer I put on my black timberland boots and grab my Burgundy leather jacket and slipped that on as well. I grab two more leather jackets for Kacy and Adrian because they didn't have any long sleeve shirts on them. I also grab my old hiking shoes for Adrian since she still only had her sandals From last week. Walking down stairs with the two leather jackets and shoes in hand I walk towards the living room. Amber was talking to the others while Delilah sat on the couch glaring at the back of her head. I give the stuff to Adrian and Kacy and they change into them. I didn't bother finding anything for Jack because he had one of my fathers sweaters on.

While they got ready I ran down to the basement to get my bow and cross bow with over a dozen arrows each and a sling for Jack and me to carry them in . I also grab a few of my dads big hunting knifes I didn't want to bring any guns because they were to loud.

I gave the cross bow to Jack since he said that he hunted a few times and knows how to use one. I give Adrian and Kacy two black hunting knifes each. I Knew they probably wouldn't know how to use them but I figured they could at least defend their selfs if they needed to, I'll have to remind myself to give them throwing lessons.
With everybody ready Jack is the first one to walk out the door following by Adrian and Kacy. "Be careful sis" Carmen said worriedly. I gave a small smile and walk out the door closing it
behind me.



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