Chapter 17 "Company"

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   I head back up the hill of the cabin reaching the back door and walking in.
I walk into the kitchen to see everyone eating and laughing, macaroni on their plates.

"Where have you been all day" Kacy looks up.

"Sorry mom I was just at the lake" I say getting me a plate out.

She rolls her eyes continuing to eat at her plate. I was piling macaroni on my plate when I hear a knock at the door. Everyone freezes and I slowly open the weapons drawer pulling out a large hunting knife, I motioned for everybody to stay seated and I walk towards the door looking out the peep hole. It was Theo and some little boy,
I quickly open the door.

"What the hell are you doing" I yell and I hear everybody get out of their chairs to stand behind me. He looks up with an amused face "so these are the 5 seriously buff brothers you were talking about?" He asked with raised eyebrows. I turn around to see everyone looking at me confused.

"Who is this?" Delilah asks twirling her long blonde hair. I roll my eyes at her and before I can reply he beats me to it.
"I'm Theo" he says with an award winning smile. And she blushes looking at the ground.

"What are you doing here Theo" I say annoyed

He looked at me puzzled. " I already told you This is my family's cabin, I've been traveling down here to visit them but the whole zombie thing happened sooo."

"Who's that" I say looking at the boy he looks just like Theo but he looked around 5 years old. "This is s-"

"I can say it myself I'm a big boy" he scowls. He was so cute, he had sandy beach curly hair kinda like mine and I could see two deep dimples on his cheeks.

"My names Sammy but you pretty lady can call me Sam" he says grabbing my hand and putting a slobbery kiss on it.

I hear them snicker behind be and and I turn around giving them the 'shut the hell up face' and they did.

"How don't we know your some kind of pervert or something" Kacy asks crossing her arms.

"Little wanna be adult teenage girls no thank you and I obviously don't roll that way"
He says looking at Scott and Jack

"Well since it is his cabin" Delilah says smiling sweetly trying to push her boobs out.

He looks at her cringing.

"Well listen up lady this is my home and we are coming in" sam says trying to push me aside. I move over and he shuffles passed everyone to the kitchen.

"Thee thee they got Mac and cheese" he screams sitting down at the table eating out of a random bowl.

"Well since it's decided I'll go get our stuff" he smirks walking to his car that was at the bottom of the hill.


Short chapter.

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