Chapter 6 "Shit"

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   As soon as I stepped foot outside the Cold breeze blew my dark curls back, It's rainy and damp outside.  We started to walk from the porch to the Main Street. We all eyed around cautious as we walked Me and Adrian were walking in front while Jack and Kacy were walking a little behind us. Adrian started to speak. "Haga le gusta él?" She calmly said. Widening my eyes I snap my head over to her knowing exactly what she said.  She just continued to walk with her hazel eyes straight ahead. Why would she asked if I liked him? I knew she was talking about Scott. Thinking of a response I replied "what do you mean?" Acting confused.
"Scott. Do you like him" she said finally looking at me. I turn my head around and see Jack and Kacy smiling at each other and talking. Not wanting them to hear what We were talking about I try to continue the conversation in Spanish.  What can I say?,  I knew many things in Spanish but I didn't know a lot. Carmen was way better at this. I thought to myself.  Before I could answer she interrupted.  "Está bien, yo comprender si tú querer a hablar sombre lo" She quickly said  before she looked back to the road. She basically said  that its okay and she understands if I didn't want to talk about it. Turning my head forward we continue up the street, we were almost there I could see the back of Walmart.

It was very quiet and I looked around my bow and arrow stringed in hand at my side. So far it's been to good to be true, no sickos were around but you could still see body's decapitated and rotting On the streets. It was strange bodies were everywhere. There was abandoned cars and debre in the streets too. We talked quiet though.

When we rounded the side of the store I seen bodies stacked up on each other, it had to be at least 50 to 60 rotten body's. Adrian gasped and started to gag. The stench was unbearable Jack just stared at the body's. Nobody made a move to start walking again.

"Okay well I'll be heading back then" Kacy said as she started to walk away. She didn't get two steps before Jack pulled her back. "How are we even going to get in, the body's are blocking the entrance". Jack said nervously
"We could go other store" Arian suggested.

"No. This the only one closest to our house." The others stores were further up the road and we already been so lucky I didn't want to risk it. I looked around behind us and spotted a door.

"Come on guys over here". I pointed towards the cracked door.

Everybody hesitated then started to follow me. It was cold quiet and dark.

"Okay guys lets split up, me and Adrian and Jack you go with Kacy"

"What?! Why we can't split up we have to stay together" Kacy whispers

"We can cover more ground that way. We need to get out of here as quickly as possible". Jack said

"Okay good if anything goes wrong just yell I guess" .

Everyone nodded and Adrian and I started to walk trough the Isles. Everything was messy and picked over. We walked in silence and looked over everything. I spot a bottle of shampoo in the far corner and pick it up putting it in Adrian's bag. We were approaching the makeup isles we both looked at each other and grined. I never really wore make up I didn't feel pretty with or with out it but it wouldn't hurt right?. The shelves in the make up section were almost full, I guess makeup isn't really top priority in a zombie outbreak. I skim the shelves and just grab random stuff that sparked interest I look over to see Adrian do the same. I was in the middle of putting some lip stick in her bag when I heard a shuffle. Immediately alert I quickly draw my bow out and skim around. Arian senses my alarm and takes out her knife. It got louder and I pull the string back so tight I felt like it was going to snap. Just then Kacy and Jack jog by the isle. Kacy turn and spotted us calling Jack over.

"What the hell are you guys doing in the make up isle" Jack said puzzled

I sheepishly look at Adrian "just looking" I say with an awkward smile

There bags were almost maxed out "what do you guys have" I say staring at the bags

"Well I have a few knifes, pads,deodorant,underware,aspirin,
A few clothes,fish hooks,oh and my favorite cooking seasoning cal-"

"Why fish hooks" Adrian said confused

"I thought we could use them to try and make a spear" Kacy stated while glaring at her for cutting her off

"With fish hooks?"  Adrian looked at her with eyebrows raised

I could visibly see kacy's eyebrows twitch and I knew she was angry
"I'm just trying to think of ways to have more weapons and what do you have a bunch of Makeup! Why the hell would we need makeup at a time like this" she yelled. I felt a little guilty for wasting our time on makeup. Kacy didn't like Adrian very much right now and from the look on Adrian's face I could she the feelings were mutual.

"Kacy shut up your to loud" Jack said holding her shoulders knowing Kacy she just kept going. When she was mad it took a while for her to calm down.

" got to stay pretty, wouldn't know bout that Puta" Adrian said looking at Kacy with a challenging glare. In know time Kacy was in her face glaring at her.
"How about you say that word in English, I dare you" her voice was deadly

Adrian looked her up and down. "Bit-" she couldn't even get her word out because Kacy pushed her smacking her back into the isle. Everything tumbling down with her making loud banging noises. She looked up with rage in her green eyes and was getting ready to pounce but stopped  herself to the sounds of loud grunts and shuffling.
Everybody's eyes widen and we all pulled out our weapons. I knew exactly what those grunts came from. I was trying to be quiet because we were still  in the front of the store. Kacy whipped her head to see what was going on and I looked in the same direction to see over 50 limp bodies speed walking towards the noise. We all run in the opposite direction of the sickos. Passing the toy isle we were almost to the front when I turned around and notice that it was just me running.
"What the hell?"
Two bodies came in to view and started limping towards me one was a small girl that looked around 12 years old with curly blond hair caked with blood and the other was a male with the same blond hair. I  immediately draw my bow string to my cheek and let the arrow fly hitting the man between his eyes. He jerks back and stirs on the grown before staying still. The girl trudges toward me growling and I look at her with my bow in hand ready.
It was sad I didn't want to kill her but I knew I had to. Before she could get any closer I let my arrow fly hitting her between her forehead like I did with the man. I felt sick to my stomach that I had to do that holding down my throw up I jog over to the girl and pull the arrow from her head. It made a squishy sound and I gagged I walk over to the man And did the same but I put the arrow on my bow string. A little Brain matter fell off as I did so. I look toward the front to see all of the bodies before were gone. Did they just wake up?. I thought to myself. It can't be that's impossible. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard screaming. I whip my head around frantically and see Kacy and Adrian cornered by six sickos. I run up to them and shot 3 of them with my arrows. The other 3 continued to slowly limp towards them Adrian threw the knife at one of the sickos with shaky hands hitting him in the header . I took the the opportunity to kill the other two and they both look at me with tears in their eyes and shaken up.

" where the hell is Jack!" I yelled.

"That asswhole left us" she said bitterly. Before I could respond I see About ten sickos coming towards us from the front of the store. There is no way we can leave now I quickly look around and spot a janitors closet and I run to it hearing Adrian and Kacy follow after me, I quickly open the door ushering them into it and slam the door locking it.

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