Chapter 3 "Escape"

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He looked at me confused. "It's Scott McCall".

"Okay Scott I must be heading back" I say as I sling my back pack over my shoulder. "Your going back out there?" He questioned like I was crazy.
"Yes I can't stay here I have to get back to my friends, well friend and get out of here". I was about to walk away when I turned around. "Do you want to come with?". He looked at me like I was a ghost, already knowing his answer I spoke up before he could reply. "Look you can't stay here by yourself it won't be safe forever, we need to leave". He looked down at his hands debating weather he should go or not, I was running out of patience I had to hurry up and get back and head to my sister. "Okay" he said we walked out of the locker room slowly making our way back.

     When we got back to the door and I knocked silently. "Who is it?" I hear Ambers scratchy voice from the other side. "it's me you bimbo open up the door". Hearing Scott snicker a little  the door clicked and opened. We walk in and everybody's eyes immediately go to Scott. Before anyone could question who he was I started talking "Listen my sister is in the parking lot Waiting and I also have a car. We need to get out of here" I calmly stated.

"Are you stupid or dumb? If we go out there we will die" Delilah said in a bitter tone.

      Everyone slowly nodding there heads agreeing except Kacy, Adrian and Scott. "how long do you think you will be safe here? My sister is outside waiting, shes going to take anyone who wants to come home with us I don't have time to argue if you want to stay feel free" I said narrowing my eyes at her.  "Well what makes your house so safe" Jack replied.

     Actually I didn't know. It was just a regular house we didn't have big iron gates or booby traps in the yard. But we had weapons and that was my go to.

       Adrian gets up. "I'm coming with" she said in a strong Mexican filled accent. That's the first time she spoke English. She walked over to me and Scott and so did Kacy and then slowly Jack. It was just Amber And Delilah left, they both looked at each other like they were talking to each other in their minds. I Walked towards the door and unlocked it when I look back Amber and Delilah were standing up behind the group. There was now seven people and we had to move quickly. We skimmed the dark halls before running towards the main doors. When everyone got close to the door I froze. Almost sensing my unease Scott came and got in front of me with a small smile and opened the doors slowly.

Empty. the gym was Empty.

      We quickly walk to the other side alarmed and ready to run if need be. I scan over the gym hardware floors and see blood scattered everywhere. Nobody talked all they way to the front gym door. Scott opened up the main door quietly and silently whispered. "What Lot is your car parked in Lot A or B". Wow I definitely didn't think this far. My car was parked in Lot A, all the way on the other side of the school. And I didn't know if Carmen took the time to find the jeep or if she parked in Lot B, which was on the road that took me home from school everyday.

"Lot A" I firmly stated.
Hopefully her car is in parking Lot A. I think to my self as we quickly walk down the hallway to the other side of the school. The hallways were the same as the gym floors. Blood coated the walls and lockers. We rounded a corner and stop stiffly when we saw a body laying limply on the ground.

Carmen's Pov

I sat in the car waiting for Camille and her friends it's been 15 minutes and I still didn't see any sign of them. I debated on going in the school and finding them but I haven't been in that school in years and I knew I would just end up loosing myself in the confusing maze of hallways. I cursed myself for deciding not to go in just yet, I'll give them a few more minutes.

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