Chapter 2 "outbreak"

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I wake up to my alarm. Jumping out of bed startled. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. Looking in the mirror while brushing my teeth I see my brown curly hair knotted up in a bun with a few stray curls hanging down. My eyes were dark green and red from sleep And my lips were dry.

Done brushing my teeth I step in the warm shower and take out my bun to wash my hair. When I was finished I step out grabbing my mothers favorite green towel as I go. Wiping the fog off the mirror and taking out my hair brush from the Cabinet I brush the knots out my hair, deciding to let my hair air dry I squeeze some olive Oil cream in the palm of my hand and massaged my hands trough my hair.

Silently leaving the bathroom I walk straight to my bedroom closet. Pulling out a yellow Tommy Hilfiger half shirt and ripped black jeans. I began to change into my outfit for the day.

Done getting ready i grabbed my book bag and headed down stairs to the living room. Setting the book bag down i see Carmen almost hanging off the couch still in her work uniform with her mouth hanging open.
Mischievously grinning I unzip my book bag taking out a sharpie. Slowly walking towards her popping the cap I bend down and write big letters across her forehead " CAMILLE IS THE BEST". Laughing silently to myself I continued writing. "AND THERES NUTING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT" I wrote on her left cheek. My sister was a heavy sleeper so I didn't have to worry about her waking up.

Grabbing the car keys I wrote a note saying that I would be back in time from work after school So she could take the car before she had to head to work. I hurried up and grabbed an apple and slipped on my red Nikes running out the door trying not to slam it.

Pulling in the busy school parking lot I step out the jeep and head toward the Main doors. As soon as I stepped in the school I felt sick to my stomach. It was the type of feeling when something bad was about to happen. I didn't  know why I felt this way but it felt like something was bout to go wrong.

Pushing my crazy thoughts aside I walk to my Locker through the crowded hallway. "Kacy was usually here by now" I thought to myself as I take out my first period P.E clothes. After waiting a few minutes and No sign of Kacy I decide to start toward the  gym.

We have first period P.E together so I'm sure I would see her today. Getting done changing into my yoga pants and school t- shirt. I head out the locker room bumping into a girl as I go.

"Watch where your walking" she glared at me.  I Looked  up and saw none other then Delilah Burns.

She was the captain of the volleyball team and I hated her with every bone in my body. Delilah had long bright blond hair with perfectly tanned skin and a nasty attitude. We never got along because she always tried to boss me around and tell me what to do. She was pretty dumb too, I often got partnered with her in class assignments and projects. So while I sat and did all the work she took selfies on her phone and picked at her nails.

Rolling my eyes And continuing  out the door. I Spotted Kacy from across the gym And jog up to her. "What's up? You weren't at my locker this morning".
"I'm sorry my little brother was sick this morning and I had to stay with him until my mom came home from work" She replied groggily.

Before I could ask what was wrong with her brother I was interrupted by Mr.Wallace our P.E teacher. "Okay today we will be playing volleyball"  he Announced. Looking over and Seeing Delilah smirking from afar I sighed. I loved to play volleyball but she was better at it then me and she always reminded me when we played a game.

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