Chapter 13 "pysco"

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   Camille's Pov.

   When we get to her room Scott lays her down on the bed and I get a good look at her room it was messy. The glass on the mirror above the dresser was broke. And she had the drawers everywhere smashed in. I look at Scott and he has the same expression as me when the hell did this happen?.

  She groans a little before opening her eyes and she snaps her head up. "What's going on with me" she cried I feel hot and the voices won't stop.

"What voices" I say confused and she cried some more before snapping

"Get out both of you! I see how your looking at me, you think I'm crazy don't you!" she laughs "well I'm not! Get out of my face both of you! leave me alone" she shouts crying

"Amber we just want to h-"

"Get out!!!!" She screeches and started throwing ripped up pillows at us. We both quickly run out the door and close it hearing her hysterically wail/laughing.

"What the heck is wrong with her" Scott whispers

"I have know idea"

Ambers Pov

   Voices everywhere telling me to let go, to stop fighting the sickness and let it take over my body but I can't

I won't.

I lift my shirt up slowly Inspecting the bite. It was purple and black and I could see my veins popping out. The teeth marks had puss coming out of it and I could see that the purpleness started to move through out my skin.

What do you think they will do when they find out you got bitten! They will kill you without thinking twice about it.

"No!! Leave me alone" I shout grabbing my hair pulling it out in clumps.

Your a filthy lier Amber. They will find out your lying to them and they will tear you apart limb from limb, stop fighting it, let it be. 

I punch at the bite repeatedly ignoring the pain.

Stop it. The voice hisses
Your only making the transition worse for yourself . You kill them before they kill you.

I breath heavily trying to calm my self down but it fails and I bring my arm back forcefully hitting the wall. My skin felt ichy and hot and I couldn't bare it.  I refused to turn into one of those things I wouldn't allow it. I slump to the ground, why am I fighting it? I think to myself my eyes felt droopy but I force them open.

If I turn into one of those things will my spirt be trapped in my body? Will I go to heaven or hell? Or would I be completely cautious of what I was doing.

I laugh to myself tiredly.  Will I be able to see my parents? I didn't want anything from this broken world The life that I'm living Is not a life I want to live forever.

running and hiding in fear. These people actually thought they can survive out here? Playing house when they needed to be running away from the sickness, away from me.

I lift my shirt up weakly and my entire stomach was purple mixed with black.

It was kinda pretty actually, leaning my head back against the door I look at the sun coming through the blinds and that's all I see. I get lost in it and I can feel the old me slowly leaving my body.

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