Chapter 15 "who are you"

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     Carmen's Pov
    I had to get out of this stuffy house full of hormonal teenagers I couldn't take it anymore. I grab a gun from our weapons drawer and put it in my waist band of my jeans heading out the back door. I see Delilah tanning on a towel in the grass and I mentally roll my eyes she spots me and glares at me from a distance and I give her a sweet smile and continue walking.

   I walk down the hill our cabin was on to sit down at the bottom by the road. These last few days has been stressful it seemed like everyone was moping around the house because of Ambers death they were still shocked and surprised and they wanted answers. Is the sickness Air born? That couldn't be it we've been around plenty of sickos.

I just needed a brake from it all it was to much stress for a girl my age, me I wish I could just get away but I knew that it wasn't possible. I mean don't get me wrong besides Amber we haven't seen any sickos out here maybe it was a country thing I guess.  I decided to walk down to the lake, I don't know why but I felt like someone was watching me. I stop in my tracks and look around.  When I get to the lake I sit down taking my gun out my waist band and take the safety off. I hear a twig snap from a distance and my eyes snap up I keep my head focused on the lake. It's been a long week and I wasn't in the mood to deal with any sickos. I hear a click that sounded like the click of a gun and my head whips over to see a tall man. He had brownish blond hair and furrowed eye brows.

He had a jaw line that could cut a piece of wood in half to put it bluntly he was sexy as fuck. That's didn't stop me from pointing my gun at him tough.

"Who the hell are you" he says curious

"I can ask you the same thing, didn't your mother tell you that it's rude to spy on women" I muse and he chuckles at me, we stare at each other our guns still pointed

"What's your name" he says breaking the silence.

"Carmen" I reply

"Well Carmen I'm Theo, what are you doing out here all alone" he says putting his gun away.

"Let's skip the part where you ask me a bunch of questions thats none of your business" I say tiredly dropping my gun  down.

"Your a feisty one aren't you" he says cocking his head to the side

"I try"  I reply shrugging my shoulders.

He laughs to himself and looks me up slowly. 

"Like what you see" I say snapping him out of his thoughts Getting a smirk from him.

"but seriously your not out here by yourself are you" he asks

I shake my head no "I'm here with 5 of my seriously buff brothers" I say trying to get a reaction from him but I don't he just gives me a knowing stare.

"I had three little sisters and I would never let them out of my sight, so your telling me that your brothers just let you willingly walk through the woods by yourself" he asks calmly. Boy he was good. I think to myself, he knew I was lying but I continue anyway.

"I'm 23 years old I can do whatever the hell I want. And besides I know how to kick some ass" I say

"I like you Carmen your very amusing"
He starts to walk away.  "Where are you going" I yell

"Let's skip the part where you ask me a bunch of questions thats none of your business" he yells back disappearing into the woods.

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