Chapter 19 "You to?"

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Scotts Pov

   After about ten minutes Theo and Sam heads back to the cabin. Camille and I decide to head out the water, are skin stared to get wrinkle and the sun started to set. While I was putting on my clothes she was watching the sunset. She was so beautiful I thought to myself her dark brown curls frizzed up from the humidity, her Carmel skin glowing. She suddenly turned around and I had averted my eyes but she didn't seem to notice. "You ready" she asks and I nod my head.

On our walk back we talk about everything. Aliens,will smith,animals, why the grass is green instead of blue, what makes the sun so hot and a lot more from these weird conversations I could tell she was very smart. She made gestures with hands explaining every little detail. And I watch her silently, she made everything interesting the way she rambled on about physics and chemistry intrigued me. Some how we got on the topic about sex, it was innocent at first we just started talking about the girls who easily gave it up to anybody at the school and how they were probably zombies right now.

"Have you ever had sex before" she suddenly asks and I look at her surprised she blushed looking down when she noticed what she asked me.
"I'm sorry that was rude to ask" she stammers and looks away.

She was so cute when she was nervous. "No I haven't" I say calmly staring at her. I would have lied if anyone else asked me but I felt comfortable around Camille and I felt like I could tell the truth when I'm with her.

She looked at me shocked. "You are?"
I nod my head suddenly feeling jealous. She was a gorgeous girl has she had sex? I couldn't think about her with someone else, giving her body to another guy and I felt a little possessive over her. "Me too" she says snapping me out of my thoughts and I feel I wash of relieve over me.

It was now dark outside and we were almost there. "I didn't think you were" I say and she stops looking at me offended.
"What's that supposed to mean" she says

"Nothing like that" I say grabbing her cheeks and pulling her face towards mine. "It's just that your such a beautiful girl I thought that maybe some lucky guy got the chance to make you feel good"

She just stares at me with her eyebrows arched. Her green eyes were darker then usual i mean I know it was now dark outside but still I could still see her face in the moon light her eyes were almost black as she stared at me. I didnt even notice how heavy she was breathing until she leaned closer to me.

I leaned in to an in a instant I felt her soft lips on mine. The kiss was soft and sweet at first but then turned into rough and hungered.  I grabbed her by her butt lifting her up. Her legs immediately rap around my torso

I back her into a tree momentarily leaving her lips to suck on her neck.
She moans as I begin to grind my hips against her.  I reach down unbuttoning her shorts pushing my hand down to cup her sex. I start to rub her slowly as she grinds her self against my hand moaning profanities.


"Scott!" We hear distinct yells and we both pause.

"What were you thinking leaving my sister out here at night! You should have made her come back" I hear Carmen yell. "She's not a kid! And she with Scott. Get your panties out of your ass!" Theo yells back

I continue to run her silently. Putting my hand over her mouth to muffle her sexy moans. "Shh" I whisper taking my hand of her mouth. I rub her more harder and her hips start to grind on my hand. "I'm about to cum Scott" she moans softly. "Cum for me" I say biting her neck and she throws her head back letting out a low moan. "Scott!.... Camille!" We hear in the distance but closer then before. She continues to grind on my hand closing her eyes tightly before going stiff. I pull my hand from her pants as she comes down from her high.   I quickly let her down holding her waist a little to steady her wobbly legs. We fix each other trying to look presentable.
Walking to the bickering I look. over to her looking down, even In the dark I could tell she was blushing.

Looking up I see Theo approach us.

"What were you two doing" he asked. From the look on his face he knew exactly what we were trying to do.

"Nothing" Camille says.
I see Carmen stomp angrily towards us,
"Get your ass back to the cabin" her voice was dripping with venom. Looking at her like she was about to protest Camille slowly starts to trudge back to the cabin. Theo follows her and I start to follow. But Carmen puts her arm out stopping me in my tracks.

"I'm going to tell you this one time and one time only" she states pointing her finger at my cchest.

"I know my sister isn't a kid anymore. But I swear to you if you break her heart I'll break your face" she says never breaking eye contact.

I nod my head rapidly so she knows I understand. Glancing at me one more time she turns around walking back towards the cabin.

Suddenly aware of my situation I feel the budge in my pants letting me know I was still quite excited. Fuck

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