Chapter 16 "room hiding"

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    I lay on my bed looking at the ceiling. I was in nothing but a sports bra and volleyball shorts. When i hear the door creak open i see Kacy and Adrian.

I slowly sit up "what brings you guys here"

"Bored" Adrian replays plopping on the bed lying down next to me. "What she said" counters Kacy lying on the other side.

"Where's Carmen? She promised me a game of uno" Kacy asks

"How should I know where she's at" I say

"She's your sister" Adrian replies.

"So because she's my sister I'm supposed to keep tabs on her? She's grown, she can leave the house to get away if she wants" I say annoyed.

"Are guys fighting or something" Kacy asks with raised eyebrows.

"No I just don't know where she is. If she did leave she probably went to the lake, there's not that many places to go around here" I snap sit rubbing my temples.

"No need to act bitchy that's all you had to say" Kacy fired back getting off the bed.

"It must be time of month" Adrian says and I roll my eyes,HARD.

"Look I'm just tired okay" I say looking between the two, I still felt guilty about Amber being killed. I didn't deal with death well so I usually shut myself out.

"Okay fine don't get your undies in a bunch" kacy replies with her hands raised. "We will leave" she says and they both walk out the door.

I hear the door open again. "Why won't just leave me alone" I snap looking up but instead of seeing Kacy and Adrian I see Scott he raises his arms in surrender "what's up with you he says" walking over to me then he stops eyeing me up and down and I realize I'm practically naked. I cover up my stomach with my arms Hoping he didn't notice but of course he did.

"Don't"  he said softly
"Don't what" I say as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

He bends down in front of me slowly moving my arms and putting them to my sides.  "Don't hide yourself from me your body is beautiful" he replies.

I've  been insecure about my body since middle school. I didn't feel that I looked pretty but I kept my insecurities to myself.  But the way Scott was looking at me it was almost as if he could see right through me. 

In this moment I think about Delilah she was perfect with her tanned skin and long straight blond hair her skinny body. And if i didn't feel worse about myself two seconds ago I did now, cute guys like him usually go for girls like her.

"Not as beautiful as Delilah's" I murmured tears prickling my eyes.
Shit maybe I would be starting my period soon I'm usually emotional before i start my monthly.

Scott looks at me confused. "Is this why your grumpy, you feel like Delilah's better than you" he questions and I shrug my shoulders

"Honestly I don't know I'm usually emotional when I'm about to start"

"Start what" he says confused
Okay maybe I shouldn't have said that.
"You know Pmsing" I say and his eyes wide I realization.  I expected him to say that it was gross or disgusting like most teen boys did but he doesn't.

"Okay well let's get something straight, Delilah has nothing on you and she never will. Your beautiful,smart,brave and so much more"
He says smiling at me and I blush hard trying to look everywhere but him.  With out warning he picks me up and my legs immediately wrap around his torso. I put my arms around his neck and he kisses me softly. I haven't kissed him since that night and to say I missed his lips was an understatement. I bite his lip sucking it, "I love when you do that" he groans and i smile against his lips. He grabs and rubs my butt "I love when you do that" I whisper and he stars kissing my neck making me softly moan. I throw my head back giving him more access and continues to suck on my neck we were against the door now and I slid down him slowly never breaking the kiss.

He moans and rubs at my bare skin
"What are you doing to me" he whispers. Someone stated pounding on the door and we both jump in surprise

"Stop dry humping and come down for dinner" Jack yells from the other side and I blush looking wide eyed at Scott we both bust out laughing and I find a shirt on the ground putting it on.
"Shall we" he says and I walk out the door.

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