Chapter 9 "road trip"

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It's was 3 in the morning and me Kacy and Adrian decide to pull an all nighter. I made them apologize to each other and here we were currently playing a game of uno in my room. It was dimly lit by candles so it was kinda hard to see and Kacy kept trying to cheat. Let's just say we were have a good time that we haven't had in a while. We heard a soft knock at the door and it slowly cracked open to Amber.  "Why don't you join us" I say and she gives a small smile walking over to where we were sitting on my bed. I notice that her hair is a dark blue almost black color, it's about time she changed from that boring blond. We deal her in and start a new game. "So do you guys really think it's safe to leave" Amber asks as she puts down a wild draw 4 card towards Kacy.
"I do. House not safe, keep moving" Adrian states her accent strong." 
She nods her head and looks at her cards
"well Delilah's been thinking of staying here"  she says. I just scoff "she won't stay here by herself trust me"  I reply putting down my last card everybody laughs and say I cheated. Times like this just makes you forget about your problems but I knew that our problems would never go away We had to leave, the sickos were still out side wandering around some of them on the ground. I just thought it was very weird. Never have I seen in any movie or tv show a zombie that reacts to sound. I mean I'm pretty sure if they see you they would attack but two times we ran into people we thought were dead that caught us of guard and tried to attack us"
We had to protect are selfs which brought me to a thought.

"Come with me, I have to show you guys something." I say getting up they eye each other warily before following Behind me. "Stay quiet because everyone's still asleep I whisper and everyone nods their head in unison. I creep to the basement door and fumble under the Mat to grab the key. When I do I turn the lock and slowly open the door I flip on the switch by the top of the stairs and walk down them. I see Kacy follow but Amber and Adrian  just stand there staring at us. "It's fine come on" kacy motions. She's been down here once just so she can admire the weapons we had. They come down the stairs and look around in awe at the targets lined up against the wall and the couch and coffee table in the corner. Adrian walks up the the glass case with the weapons with her eyes wide.  "Está Es bonito!" She says slowly touching the glass. "What she say?" Kacy asks plopping on the couch.  "I said it's nice" she replied walking over to everyone. "So this is what you wanted to show us" Amber asked with a raised eyebrow. 
"I Took you guys down here so I could teach you how to depend yourself" I say walking over to the knife case. I grab 9 of them so they could have three each.  "Each of you get in front of a target" I say holding the knifes.   "come on its going on 4 in the morning. And besides we don't want to get caught by your Sister" Amber say rubbing one arm.

"Carmen's not going to say anything as long as I'm down here with you guys. And this will be quick"
She shifts on one foot and looks around nervously.

"If your uncomfortable you could go back upstairs" I say. She nods her head and brushes past me to walk upstairs.  "Anyone else" I say looking between Kacy and Adrian.

"Heck no I need some lessons so we can look bad ass killing zombies" Kacy says smirking we all laugh and I explain to them what Scott taught me. Adrian got the hang of it but I wasn't surprised seeing as though she killed the sicko yesterday. Kacy took a little longer but she also got the hang of it too. We continue like this for another 40 minutes before we decide we should head back up. When we got back to my room we crashed exhausted.

Delilah's Pov

  What was taking her so long. I sent Amber to Camille's room to find out anything about the basement and she hasn't got back yet it's been 30 minutes!
I sit on the uncomfortable bed and pick at my nails. When I see her open the door I sigh "well?"
Amber looks up at me annoyed before she says that there was a bunch of weapons down in the basement and she even got to go down there. "So that's what those weirdos were hiding down there" I say smirking "they didn't want us down there because of the weapons. Pretty selfish and greedy if you ask me"

"You know what I didn't ask you Delilah" she snaps At me. I just look at her amused, she must have forgot who she's dealing with.

"Look Carmen and Camille are good people they opened up their home for us, gave us a bed to sleep in clothes to wear and food to eat, and you want me to do your dirty work and snoop around there house? It's pretty pointless."

I watch her intensely  "you done?"  I say looking up from my nails. she just stares at me giving me a look of disproval.

"Don't ask me to do anything else" she says as she walks over to the bed. I just roll my eyes it's Amber shes a nice person who would do what ever you tell her to do.

Carmen's Pov

I sit looking to the sky, it was mixes of pinks and purples. I feel the breeze against my skin and close my eyes savoring this warm sunset. I feel a presence next me almost as if someone was watching. I look next to me too see my mother her messy curly hair was flowing perfectly in the wind as she stared at me with her bright green eyes, she had a warm smile on her face. "Hello sweetie". I look at her in shock automatically hugging her she hugs me back while stroking my hair. 
"Mom what do I do, it's a freaking zombie apocalypse" she laughs lightly "keep your sister close. She needs you I know it's been tuff for you guys after the pass of your father and I, I know you had to take responsibility for your sister but you been doing great.  "It's not just Cam now I have to take care of five other teenagers" I say keeping my eyes trained on the tall grass moving in the wind. "Some will come and go but your sister will never leave your side
I just sniff tears flowing down from my eyes.  "That house isn't safe anymore. You do what's right and lead them else where"
I look at her confused "how did you k-"
Her soft voice cuts me off  "we are always keeping an eye on you down in the real world, making sure you and Camille are safe and okay. Just remember that" she kissed the top of my forehead and when I opened my eyes I see my room in front of me my face was wet and my eyes were trained. I get up from my bed and look out the window. There were bodies laying everywhere it's time to leave.

It's been three days and I decided it was time to go. Everyone had there bags pack waiting in the living room for me. I was currently in my parents old room with Carmen I convinced her to give one last look since we probably wouldn't see it Again. I walk over to her jewelry box and grab the silver heart necklace labeled love and put it around my neck.  Carmen just stares at me sadly her arms crossed around her stomach shoulders hunched. I could tell she was trying not to break down I walked over to her and hugged her arms immediately wrap around me and she quietly cries into my jacket. When we pull alway I take her face in my hands and wipe her tears away with my thumbs.  "I promise that no matter what we well stick together" she nods her head looking around the room. She walks into the closet and grabs my dads old narvana t-shirt and my moms favorite Cavs hat. And silently walks out the door.  I sigh and look around one last time before I lock the door from the inside and step into the hallway closing it behind me. For some odd reason I felt the need to lock it, that if I do my parents would somehow be safe from this world. It was hard to explain. when I walk down the stairs I see everyone waiting i walk over to the kitchen table and bring over the two duffle bags max out with the rest of my fathers weapons. "One bag for each car.  Everybody take one gun the safety is on, do not shoot unless it's completely necessary" I say I look At Camille  and she nods her head and walks over to the front of the living room telling everybody how to work it. When she's done everybody stands up with their book bags on.  Camille and Jack both have bows and everyone else with guns and knifes in slings and waist bands.  I hope to God that I'm making the right Choice or else my friend we will be screwed.

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