Chapter 8 "Where to?"

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When we got home Jack, Delilah and Amber were waiting on the couch for us. I looked at Jack with hatred. He looked so guilty for leaving us and I almost felt bad for him I knew he was probably just scared, that didn't stop Adrian from smacking him across the face though. the slap was so loud that everybody jumped. He held his right cheek looking at her with a face of guilt and anger. "That's enough" Carmen said while pulling her alway and speaking to her Spanish probably trying to calm her down she was visibly shaking. I took Kacy up stairs and she asked to be alone so I left her to cope. Coming down stairs everyone was gathered in the living room sorting through the duffle bags.

"Makeup?" Scott said puzzled

"Why did you get makeup?" Carmen said looking at me confused.

"You were supposed to get food! And got a bag full of makeup!" Carmen yelled

"Hey I'm not complaining" Delilah said digging through the bag "and you got the good stuff too! I if I didn't like you I could hug you right now".

I rolled my eyes and look around spotting Scott he looked at me with some type of emotion I couldn't decipher. I turn around from his gaze and see Carmen going trough Kacy's bag.
"Well at least she got something useful." She sighed we went trough jacks bag also finding. A water case, a box of slim jims, a few boxes of crackers and dried meat, some boxes of noodles and Sauce, a few packs of gum, boxes of ammo, boxers, socks, and a few boxes of hair dye.
"Why did you get hair dye Jack" Scott questioned amused

"That's actually for me" Amber chirped grabbing the two boxes of hair dye.

"Okay new rule. We only get the things we need not want, I honestly think makeup and hair is not important at the moment" Carmen look at all the girls. "So since Jack got some useful things I'm making spaghetti to night."

Good thing are water and electricity still worked or we would be doomed. "Im going to go see how Kacy's doing" Carmen lightly said and walked up the stairs. I head to the kitchen with jacks duffle bag and take out the noodles and sauce and prepare a pot of boiling water. Looking up I see Scott walking into the kitchen staring at me intensely.
"What?" I say puzzled looking up at him. "Can we go somewhere and talk" he asked
"Erm sure" I pull him into the bathroom by the kitchen.

"So what's wro-" I couldn't finish my sentence before he pulls me in a tight hug at first I was so shocked that I just stood there but after a few seconds I hugged him back his touch felt warm and welcoming. We pull apart and he starts rubbing the back of his neck. "Look I was worried that you wouldn't come back he said looking at me with his dark brown eyes filled with so much emotion. I didn't know what to say so I just stood there with my mouth open looking at him. "I'm really glad that you are okay". I give him a small smile and he leaves I look in the mirror and I look tired my eyes were red and my hair was a crazy mess so I take out and put it in a messy bun when I return. Carmen was at the stove finishing our dinner. I walk over and peak out the window to see a bunch of sickos lurking around in the streets. "You guys look at this" I say quietly and everyone gets up to peak out the window. They were everywhere all the bodies that were laying in the street were gone. "Do you think they know we're in here" Amber said as she continued to peak out the window
"No that's impossible" I say "their not that smart"

How could this be i mean even after the whole outbreak went down there was sickos that passed by but never have I seen so much in one Place before. When we were walking to Walmart I noticed a ton of bodies but they must have some how woke up. "Okay everyone just get away from the window and make your plates. Stay as quiet as possible." Ordered Carmen. I knew that they wouldn't be able to hear us but it seemed like these sickos were different from regular movie zombies.
Everybody sat in silence eating all you could hear was the quiet clanking of forks. Breaking the silence I decide to tell everyone what I have been thinking. "There is something odd about these sickos"

"Other than how they used to be people who died from a virus who comes back to life to tear your brains out" Delilah mused with raised eyebrows.

"I'm serious" I say in hard tone to let her know I wasn't joking. She drops the smirk from her face and continues eating.

"What do you mean cam" kacy replied with a scratchy voice. I knew she was thinking of her brother.

"Well when we first walked up to the store all those bodies were stacked up almost as if they were sleeping"

with everyone's eyes still trained on me I continued "I think that they only react when you make noise."

"What are you trying to say" Scott said puzzled

"Well because of all the bodies blocking the front door we went around back. And we didn't see any sickos until Kacy pushed Adrian into the shelf"

"Why did you push Adrian" Amber asked looking at Kacy for answers

"That's not Important just let her finish" she snapped

"Any ways what I'm trying to say is I think that they some how woken up from the noise and followed it. When we got split up I found that all the bodies that were blocking the doors were gone"

"They got back up you guys. And now there's a bunch of those things out side, more than we ever seen in one place before.It's almost like they know we're here. This house is not safe anymore."

"D-do you think we should leave?" Amber stuttered with wide eyes.

"No way! I'm not leaving. There is no where else to go" Delilah said clanking her fork on her plate. I look around the stable and everyone seemed to be in deep thought. "You guys aren't seriously suggesting this are you" Delilah states.

"There is this cabin further out of the city me and my family used to go to every fall. We could go there" Jack suggested. "Well how do suggest we get there" Adrian sarcastically snaps. I knew she was probably still mad at him for leaving them behind. "Cars. We get as far as we can with them and then we walk the rest of the way."

"Well the jeep Is running low on gas we would need to find gas." Carmen says

"There's a few gas stations on the way th-".

"Wait! We can't just leave. Who knows if this cabin Is even safe. We have to think about this. And walk! That's just a stupid idea" Delilah just kept rambling on.

"And with what weapons two bows a knife or two and one gun its suicide!"

Rolling my eyes I cut her off. " we don't have to pick up and leave now we can wait a few days. And the cabin is in the country so if we do make it far enough in the cars then we won't have that many problems walking. And besides we have plenty of weapons to bring." I calmly reply

"You know you could always stay here" Carmen said leaning in her chair to looking her up. "I don't think anyone has any complaints either" she said looking around the table And nobody protest. She just scoffs gets up and walks up stairs.

"Okay now that's settled I suggest that everyone pacts a book bag and be ready to Leave if necessary. There is a few extra book bags in the closet and with that she grabs everyone's empty plate and heads to the sink to wash them.

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