Chapter 7 "Stuck"

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    We've been in the janitors closet for about ten minutes not making a sound. You could hear sickos walking around growling and snarling at first but then it was quiet.

"What do you mean he left?" I whispered looking at Kacy

"I mean he ran off. when we saw a half a dozen sickos I turned around and seen him running towards the door we came in" she said

"Why didn't you follow him? You guys could have gotten out"

"We couldn't leave you" she said in a duh tone.

"Well now we're all stuck" I state bitterly leaning my head against the door.

Carmen's Pov

    It was getting late and they still weren't back. Where the heck are they? I started to pace around the kitchen  when I felt  a presence behind me, I look over to see that kid Scott.

"They will be here soon" he simply said

"You don't know that" I bluntly stated rolling My eyes. It been to long, I grab my boots from the corner and slip them on.

"Where are you going?" Scott sighed

"To get my sister and her friends. They've been gone to long and it's getting late" I planned on taking the jeep because it was starting to get dark and it would be pretty stupid to walk up there by myself none of these sissy's would come with me.
"Okay I'm coming to"
I stand corrected. Scott brushes past me and puts his shoes on also

"Um where do you think your going" I heard the Delilah chick whine from the living room.
Rolling my eyes because I had to repeat myself again I tell her we were going to go find them. "Your kidding right! Your going to leave us here by ourselves" she stomped angrily. What was with this girl she was very annoying and stubborn she never listened to me and she did whatever she wanted. She was the only one in the house besides her weird friend that followed her around like a lost puppy that I didn't like.
"If your so scared then go upstairs with Andy." I shrugged

"It's Amber, and besides she can't protect me so I'm coming too." She bitterly said

There was no way in hell I was going to listen to her whine the whole way there. I almost ringed her neck twice already today for talking to me like I was one of her followers. I didn't have time for this I already wasted seven minutes talking to her.

"No. Your staying here" I say bluntly opening the door before she could protest. 

Jack tumbled in breathing heavy and shut the door.

"Jack what the hell! Where's the others" Scott shouted confused

He looked around guilty gasping trying to speak. we were ge- getting attacked I-I left them.

Without thinking I grabbed him my his collar and pushed him against the door.  This ass had some nerve leaving my sister behind and then he had the Audacity to show his face without everyone.

"YOU LEFT THEM BEHIND! YOU COWARD" I say with rage. I knew he could easily take me if he wanted but he was to shocked to do anything but stare at me with wild eyes.  I have shared a few fights back in the day when I was in high school a few girls but Mostly boys. I knew how to hold my own and I wish this fucker would try me. Before I could say anything else I was pulled off my Scott. I ripped Scott away from me and pointed my finger in jacks face. "You better hope that we find them" I say so low that he could only hear. My voice was dripping with venom.  "If I come back without my sister your ass is mine"  he nodded his head and moved out of the way slowly.

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