Chapter 14 "R.I.P

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Camille's Pov

Everyone was currently sitting in the living room quietly. We were all thinking the same thing, what's wrong with Amber?

Leave it up to Kacy to break the silence.
"Soooo who's up for breakfast" she cheers smiling

"Kacy this is not the time" Carmen says quietly in thought and Kacy plops on the floor looking at her nails.

"She said that she couldn't get the voices to stop" Scott says

"Oh please you guys are seriously not believing this right?" Delilah looks around wide eyed. "It's Amber she always does stuff like this to get my attention she carelessly states.

"She looked like she was really in pain" I reasoned

"Oh please. She's just doing it for attention." She yelled

"Get over yourself Delilah, why would she attack Jack and punch me in the face for your attention" I reply

"You're right" she says seriously. "I mean about attacking Jack" she quickly adds, the smirk that I grew to love visible. (Note the sarcasm)

"Unlike you Amber is not an attention whore" Kacy fires back to my defense.
Delilah gets up from the couch and towers of Kacy with a glare. And I can see everyone roll there eyes even the boys not another fight.

Kacy just scoffs "lay a finger on me and I will kick your-" she was cut off by a loud thud and everybody's attention focused on the sound. It was heard again but louder and everyone jumps, the hairs on my neck stand up as I feel a wash of unease come over me. Without thinking I reach under the coffee table and grab the white gun that I put there and everyone looks at me crazy. "Somethings not right" I whisper and the thud was heard again. Kacy grabs the hunting knife by the tv stand and slowly get up. I walk over to the bedroom hallways and everyone follows. "Do you think a sicko got in or something" Delilah whispers and everyone shushes her at the same time. She just frowns and continues walking I was at the front with Kacy and Jack and we stop. Another loud thud was heard from ambers door and I sigh with relief.

"Its okay guys it's just Amber" I say reassuringly and they all take a breath. The thud was heard again and her bedroom door moved slightly. "Amber are you okay?" I say opening the door, that was a big mistake when I opened it I was immediately tackled my something and my back hit the ground hard knocking the wind out my chest. Everything else was a blur and I knock the bud of the gun against the intruders head knocking it back.
I scramble away looking around wide eyed. Everyone's eyes were wide and mouths hung open. I looked at the ground seeing Amber or who I thought was Amber get up slowly snarling. Her eyes were cold and distant and I immediately raise my gun shaking, she starts trudging towards me and I hear everyone yelling at me but I couldn't bring myself to focus on what they were saying. I feel a fast breeze of wind pass me and a knife hits her square in between her eyes knocking her down. My gun was still pointed at her, she stirs around a little bit before laying completely still.  Silent the hallway was silent we all stair at her lifeless body in shock and it all hits me at once she got bitten that day in the gas station. I saw a dead sicko next to her and she was unconscious. I didn't understand though she said she was fine and why did it take so long for her to turn. It's been three days since the gas station incident. Carmen slowly walks over to her body. And we all step back a little in silence, she leans down expecting her body before she lifts her shirt up exposing a Nasty bite her entire stomach was mixed with purple and black bruises, I gasp in horror while everyone was to busy arguing she was probably going through the worst pain in her life and I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach.

"What do we do with it"  Delilah ask with disgust.

"Her name is Amber" I say my voice crackling and I push down my tears to speak clearly. " we will bury her, she was not some random person she was are friend and we will bury her" I say calmly. I couldn't believe her she was suppose to be her best friend and yet she was treating her like dirt and I was disgusted by it. 

"With what? Cam we don't have any shovels or tools" Kacy reasons.

"What about lake?" Adrian asks quietly. I remember there was a lake on the other side of the woods we haven't been over there because we have plenty of water and we didn't want to cause any attention. I guess that will have to do

We were currently walking silently through the woods by the house to the lake We rapped her in a bed sheet and Jack was carrying her, Scott came up next to holding my hand and I smile weakly I was still shaken up and exhausted from this mornings events.

When we got to the lake my eyes widen in awe. It reminded me of Lake Erie the sun shone bright in the sky and the water moved side to side peacefully. We stand in silence as Jack puts her body In the water and pushes it out. Her body floats awhile before slowly sinking.

I let the tears that I have been holding flow out silently. Amber was a sweet girl and she didn't deserve this, I've killed many sickos after this thing has happen but I didn't know any of them this was different I knew Amber and to see that knife end her life killed me inside. But I guess she was already dead right?.

I give one last look before walking away. I can't be here anymore, she was dead and standing here weeping abut it wasn't going to change the fact that this could happen to anyone at anytime None of us were safe

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