Chapter 4 "Into Hiding"

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      Two days. It's been two days. The street quieted down but you could still see a few sickos trudging around.  (That's what we're calling them by the way.)
Kacy got a hold of her parents yesterday. They didn't get to talk long before the phone lines went dead. She said that her brother turned into one of those crazies, She also haven't been talking much though when she found out. She knew her family had died. We fixed up Delilah's leg, she couldn't get contact her parents because of the dead phone lines. It was the same for Jack and Adrian they couldn't get a hold of their families either. We tried our best to lay low during the night, instead of keeping the lights on we just lit candles. We also stayed away from the windows as best we could.

Jack and Scott slept on the couches down stairs. I slept in my room with Kacy and Adrian. Delilah and Amber slept in the guest room down the hall from my room and Carmen slept in her room. We didn't allow anybody to sleep in our parents room.

But Had I to go in their room for the fist time in years to get clothes for Jack, Amber, Delilah and Scott.  Walking up to my parents door with Scott following closely behind I slowly opened the door. Just looking in my parents old room made tears well up in my eyes. Slowly walking I turn around abruptly before Scott could come in. "I'll be right back" I say in a Shaky voice tears threatening to spill at any moment. Scott looked at me with understanding and walked back down stairs to the others.  Turing back around I shut the door quietly and lean against the door closing my eyes, A few tears escaping. The room smelled like it always had long ago. I take a deep whiff of vanilla and cinnamon. Everything was in the same spot they left it.

I could see my mothers books on the dresser by the bed and my fathers work boots. The bed was neatly made. I notice a picture in a small frame on the  dresser. Walking to the bed I sit down and grab the small frame. It was picture of all of us My dads cream toned skin with his bright blue eyes. He had a big killer watt smile with his arms crossed around Carmen in his lap. She had to be at least eight years old at the time she had her curly sand beach hair in two pig tails. And She was smiling, you could visibly see her two front teeth missing. And I was sitting in my mothers lap My Wild curly brown hair was every where and my hazel green eyes were bright with joy I was probably four at the time. My mother had her curly hair in a bun her green eyes stared at the camera and she had a warm smile on her face. Her Chocolate Brown skin shined bright in the sun.  Me and Carmen got our curly hair from my mom. Carmen has dads blue eyes and I have my mother hazel ones.

Taking the photo out the frame I set it on the bed and walk over to the closet grabbing a lot of clothes so I wouldn't have to come back in here. I grab the photo on the bed and manage to grab my fathers work boots as well. Slowly shutting the door I was walked down stairs soft laughter filling the hallway.

When I walk into the living room everybody was there beside Kacy. "She must be in my room" I thought to myself as I observe the scene before me. Jack and Scott were arm wrestling on the side of the coffee table while Carmen and Adrian sit next to each other on the couch silently talking In Spanish and laughing. Amber and Delilah were sitting in the other couch complaining about how there nails looked.

I let Adrian and Kacy use my clothes because they roughly wore the same size and there was No way I was going to let those two blond Barbie bimbos wear my things I didn't even want to give them my parents old clothes.

Setting down the stuff Scott and Jack stop to grab some of the clothes smiling  a thanks to me. I gave the work boots to Jack because he had on skimpy converse and I figured the boots would be more comfortable. Delilah gets up from the couch and looks at the clothes with a slight look of disapproval. "Is there something wrong"  I glare at Delilah.  "Um yes what are these"  she held up my mothers clothes with a disgusted look on her face. Feeling my anger boil I snatch the clothes from her hands. She was so ungrateful! I didn't have to give her anything, I could of left her stupid ass back at the school all she did was complain. She complained about how the guest rooms bed wasn't soft enough, she complained about the food we had, she complained about are shampoos and soups. She complained about every thing and I was tired of it. "You know what" I snapped shoving my index finger In her face. "Shut the hell up!. All you do is complain. No one is asking you to stay! if you don't fix your bougie attitude in the next ten seconds your getting put out" I yelled as loud as I could trying not be Heard from outside.

Delilah just stared at me silently, everybody watching her. Amber got up from the couch and grabbed the clothes. "I'm sorry for her" she said sweetly  "we really are great full for everything you and your sister has done. Right Lilah" she said nudging her arm "Yeah she mumbled with a frown looking at the ground".

    It was late and everybody was sound asleep but me I couldn't seem to sleep that long. I look over and see Adrian and Kacy sound asleep on my queen sized bed. I get up slowly and head to the door in my pajamas, Slowly walking opening my door I make my way down stairs.

When I get to the living room I see Scott on the floors snoring. His blanket half on the couch half on the floor. He must have rolled over in his sleep. I silently laughed to my self and seen Jack on the other couch snoring equally as loud as Scott.

I decided to go to the basement. I knew my bows and my fathers weapons were down there Our basement was so big  that we had shooting targets line the walls. I see my silver bow on the wall and start to walk over to it. When I picked it up I almost dropped it from how heavy it was. I forgot how big it was But I quickly got used to it as I pull the bow string to my lips. It was a little hard at first but I got the hang of it. I've missed the bow in my hands.

Grabbing Two arrows I put one in between my lips as I set the other between the sting of the bow. I draw the arrow back my eyes trained on the target a head of me I adjusted my bow and let the arrow fly. The arrow only Made a little thud against the target. But sure enough the arrow hit the small red dot in the middle.

I take the second arrow from between my lips and position it the same way I did before. Just when I was about to release I heard l small scuffles behind me, Startled I quickly turn around with my bow in front of me, my arrow drawled back ready to fly.

Instead of seeing a sicko I make eye contact with an alarmed looking Scott. He put his hands the air. "Don't shoot" he chuckled. "I could of killed you" I say calming down from my scare. "Who taught you how to shoot like that" he said completely ignoring me.  I walked back to the target and took the arrow out of its hole. "What are you doing down here" I say ignoring his question.   "I thought I heard someone coming down here so I got up to investigate". 

"You mean be noisy" I stated as I put my bow and arrows back in there original spots.

"Well that and I couldn't sleep" he said while rubbing the back of his neck. He looked nervous. Scott seemed like a sweet guy he was funny when he wanted to be and he also had a great smile. 

"Same" I shyly say as I walk up to him.  We stand in awkward silence for a few seconds. "Maybe we should head back up" I say awakening him from his thoughts. No one was supposed to be down here because of all the weapons. Carmen didn't want anybody coming down and playing with them accidentally shooting or cutting  themselves.

"Yeah your right" he said as he headed towards the stairs. Before we could get up the stairs he suddenly turns around almost knocking me down. "I know this is random. But I think you're pretty amazing" he said smiling down at me. I look up at him confused, "what's so amazing about me" I questioned puzzled. "Well for starters your very brave. You managed to keep a collected and calm head back at the school. I could tell you were scared but you never once let it show. And seeing you shoot that bow just now Looks like you had years of practice, not to mention your very pretty." He said staring at me with warm eyes. He thinks I'm pretty? I thought to myself I knew I wasn't ugly but I never considered myself pretty. Plus no guy has ever said that to me. Looking down and blushing I mumbled a thank you. But When I looked up he was already half way up the stairs.

I know this chapter is pretty short but let me know what you think in the comments. Please vote:)

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