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We were far in the country are cars ran out of gas and we all sat and leaned against the cars, Shaded my the trees from the beating sun. I look over to Camille she sat with her arms on her bent knees looking straight ahead. I never seen her look so dull. She showed no emotion. She hasn't even talked since we left.

"So what do we do now?" Jack says. Sam was playing in the grass next to Theo's slouching figure.  "I don't know" Theo's says lost in thought. Delilah sat next to Theo munching on a bag of chips we stored from the cabin. She been eating a lot lately. She sat in a oversized t-shirt in leggings, "hey lady! Save some food for the rest of us" Sam shouts pointing his stubby finger at Delilah. "Oh shut up you little insect" she mutters. Continuing to eat the chips. Camille finally gets up. And everyone looks to her. I guess we all thought considering that her only family she had left died that she would cry or anything, but she didn't. We made eye contact for a quick second. Her once bright green eyes were dark green. She dropped her eyes from my gaze before walking away. Before she could get passed me I grab her wrist. "Cam-"

"I'm going for a walk" she says coldly twisting her wrist out of my firm hold.

She walks down the road her curly hair blowing in the wind.


For the first time in my life I felt bad for Camille. I watched as she walked down the road. Scott told me that he had to kill Carmen, she turned into one of those monsters. I knew that had to be hard for Camille. I knew my parents were dead but considering that fact that I haven't seen them since the break out, it didn't register to me yet.

Carmen was like the mother figure of the whole group. She was a pain in the ass no doubt, but she cared about us all. About me. She told be before she died that I didn't have to go in this pregnancy alone. That if I needed her she would be there. I guess that doesn't matter now. Each day I get bigger and bigger. It's only a matter of time before they find out.... before jack finds out.


Empty. That's what I felt. I didn't know what to think or what to do. Why am I even trying? It's only a matter of time before those sickos get me too.  I suddenly felt like someone was watching me, I stop in my tracks and snap my head to the side looking into the woods from the side of the road.

It was her! Carmen just staring at me. Her bright blues eyes stood out the most. My breath hitched in my throat. "C-Carmen?" I say barely above a whisper. She turns around walking deeper in to the woods. I feel my legs running before I realize it. "Wait!" I yell running after her.  I come to the spot she was at but she was gone. I look around and there was nothing but trees blowing in the wind. I felt hot tears well up in my eyes. "Carmen don't leave me here" I wail into the empty woods. My feet lost all feeling as I drop to the ground my hands on my face. That's when I let go. All the tears I held up for the last 2 days flowed out my eyes like a water fall. And I laid there and cried. 

My tears blurred my eyes as I laid there motionless. I saw a figure of a hand caress my face. I close my eyes tightly. When I opened them Carmen stared down at me. She smiled at me from her cross legged position. "Your not real" I whisper looking into her eyes. I felt completely drained. I had no energy to even lift my head up to look at her clearly. Her smile turned into a frown. "I'm real in your heart" she says clearly. 
"I am with you where ever you go, don't forget that" she says sternly.
I close my eyes tightly at the sound of her voice. When I open them it's Scott's voice that I hear. "It's okay Camille come here" he says lifting my body to his chest. I bawled his shirt up in my fist. And cried, the tears kept flowing just when I thought that I couldn't by cry anymore. "It will be okay" he mutters in to my hair

"Their both gone" I whisper into his chest.

He doesn't say anything just rubs my back while I wetted his t shirt with my tears. It felt like we were sitting there forever. We probably were because The Whole gang came running to us.
"We thought you guys were in trouble!" Adrian yelled.

Theo, Sammy and jack behind her. I see Delilah a little way back holding her back as she rubbed her stomach. She noticed me staring and she quickly takes her hand from her stomach. I have notice that she was getting a little big. My thoughts were snapped from my mind when Scott lifts us up. "Are you okay now?" He says slowly.

I glare at him uncontrollably. "Did you just think I could cry and everything would be okay?" I snap. He looks at me hurt. "No I just" I shove my self away from his arms. "None of you understand!" I yell.
"Cam we do know what your feeling" Adrian says softly trying to walk towards me.

"No you don't" I spit at her.
"It's been two days since my sister and my best friend died! And not one of you said anything about it, not one of you showed that you cared about them to begin with" I say angrily.
"We do care" Theo says

"Who are you again?" I say flatly
"You known us for like 5 minutes" I say cutting him of before he could say anything else.
Delilah steps up from behind Theo. "You are not alone in this, we all want to help"

"Oh really?" I counter amused.

"Since when did you give a shit about Carmen?" She glares at me. "Look I'm sorry that the only family you had in this world died, but taking your anger and frustration out on us is not going to help you properly grieve. We all lost family! You don't get to act like a bitch to us not after all we've been through!"

"Thee thee she said a bad word" sammy whispers.

"You know what" I say tiredly.
"This" I say pointing between us.
"This is a lie, we aren't family, we're not friends. Trying to survive together was stupid. I don't need any of you, I can take care of my self." I say walking towards the road. "Camille you can't just leave!" Scott says running after me.

I make it to the cars when he finally catches up. "Your not thinking right! You will never be able to survive on your on."

"Oh yeah? And what has surviving with a group gotten us?"

He just stares at me for a few seconds, but the intensity of his stare caused me to break eye contact. 

"Don't do this Camille, don't leave".  He whispers.

I look up to him and I can see he's holding back tears. "I'm sorry I can't stay, I can't watch everyone I love die"  I mutter truthfully Turing around. I start to walk off.

" you know you'll be a coward if you leave" he yells. I could hear the cracks in his voice and I knew he was crying. I couldn't turn around though if I did I would give in.
I continue on down the road without looking back. It was just me now. I was no longer responsible for anyone but myself.  Now I am fully alone.

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