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I realized that I won't have that
I won't have a person who wakes up and wonders how I'm doing
Who sends me random things because it reminded them of me
Who absolutely, without a doubt needs to have a conversation with me until we depart into the night
I won't have that someone that adores the awkward dorky side
Someone who tells me how ugly I look when I cry
Someone who looks at me and knows what they solely hate about me but the things they love outshines it all
Someone who knows what annoys me but does it anyway cuz it's "cute" when I'm mad
Someone who scares me so much because they hold so much of me in their hands and I would know for a fact I couldn't get it back from them
Someone who tells me that it's okay instead of telling me to calm down
Someone who likes me.. Not just a little but a lot...
I'll never have that.
I'm not her, or her... I can't compete with that.
I will never confess this. And when people ask... All I will ever say is... Eh.

We Are the Normal Ones: Memoirs of a Fallen HumanWhere stories live. Discover now