Dear Duke

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Dear Duke,

You're going to fail. That is all.
Way to whisper your faults into the ear of sin.
Sprinkling it around, poisoning all of your friendships.
You deserve solitude.
Confine your disease to your cell and shove them into the cells of your being.
I wanted to be stronger than this.
I pretended to be fine.
I showered in the masquerade of stability.
I was never okay.
It follows me around.
It took the place of my shadow, sticking to me like the sap from a fibbing tree.
I hurt. I pain others.
Why do I have to exist?
Why do I owe my father my life?
Staying alive not because I deserve to but because my dad deserves a daughter.
Why do I think like this?
Can I carry around a white cloth to cleanse my rotten mind?
I had it. Once.
But it got dirty and my tears couldn't clear the rot off it.
Hold it in.
Don't show ones that you're scared.
Dear Duke, you'll succeed.
But in all of the wrong things.

Take care,



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