Then my mind said:
"Remember, you are not good enough... You are not spiritual enough. You are not wise enough. All people know you for is being stupid and silly. You are pathetic. Loser. No one takes you seriously. Who will be your friend? No one is going to love you. Nobody. Your tears mean nothing. You aren't worth it. You are a disaster. A disaster. One people avoid. You are a fake. Loser. No heart. Yet, you pretend to love. These people only like you because she is here. You wouldn't have friends if it wasn't for her. Aren't you ever so lucky? To have such happy spirit to to overshadow your dark and ugly one? To shine through the clouds you create. Aren't you so fortunate little bipolar child? Little bipolar girl. Little lightning girl. Ones who find beautiful from the distance but avoid when it gets too close. Let's keep the little lightning girl at a distance. Let's keep her far away.
'Run! Run!'
'The little bipolar girl is coming!'
'Run! Run!'
Run for your lives..."
We Are the Normal Ones: Memoirs of a Fallen Human
PuisiWhat goes on inside the mentally stricken mind?