Chapter 2

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-Hey guys! I just changed Mr. Hazel's name (who you'll be meeting in this chapter) to Mr. Ray, so don't get confused :) Hope you enjoy <3

Science has proved that there is a strong sense of survival present in human beings. They are able to fight against situations better than other organisms, providing a reason why they have survived over the course of centuries, maintaining their top position among all organisms. This very sense of survival was what was required during school. To pass six hours at school was like passing 6 days in the world outside. The only moment that time seemed to be in a hurry, was during the surprise class tests. Otherwise, time was an irritating lazy rogue

Fortunately, both Alex and Edward were able to survive most of the day. They got through all science subjects, economics and most languages. The last of all the classes was English literature, which was most interesting for Alex, taught virtually by the most uninteresting person on planet earth. Mr. Ray. A plump fellow in his mid fifties. He always wore the same white check-shirt with grey pants and a brown belt which seemed to hold his over-flowing tummy in place.

Alex found himself in a square room with whitewashed walls. Dark brown wooden benches were lined on one side, with a white board on the opposite wall. If study was boring, they made sure that classrooms were even more.

The most frequently used word by Mr. Ray was "dear". He would refer to each and every student with that same word. Names were just a waste of time and human memory. To him, "You dear! Yes you" was all that he needed to refer to any student in his class, and you'd pray that the dear in this case wasn't you.

Him being boring and too conventional was one problem, the real hurdle of getting through the 40 minute lecture was the absence of Edward. For some reason, Edward did not have English literature class with Alex. They had to go to separate rooms, and were taught by separate teachers. Why? That even they weren't able to figure out.

"You dear!" Mr. Ray exclaimed.

Silence overtook the environment. Every student in the class prayed to get minimum attention from Mr. Ray. Alex had his eyes fixed to the desk.

"Yes you! Right in the back with silky golden hair which makes you look like a baby."

Alex looked up from the table. A dreadful expression cast over his face. His lips were forming the letter O.

"Y..yes sir!" Alex managed.

"Abstract nouns. Define them." Mr. Ray asserted, pushing his glasses up his nose with his index finger.

"They are.....nouns..."

Mr. Ray's round face started changing colours dramatically.

"You dear! Have a marvelous brain you know that? A brain so wondrous, that it has never been used." Mr. Ray taunted. Alex heard a couple of giggles. Mr. Hazel did that a lot, you'd sometimes feel as if he enjoys making fun of his students and is in constant search of opportunities to do so.

"Sir! I was..I was absent yesterday." Alex tried to reason.

"Ah! Well that's my fault." A sarcastic expression like this generally meant for the student to shut up and take his seat, so Alex did exactly that.

"So students, is there any volunteer or shall I use my liberty to choose among you?"

The atmosphere became thick. You'd feel that Mr. Hazel had sucked all the oxygen out of the room. Everyone, with exasperated expressions on their faces, bowed their head down and stared at the tables. Horror. That was the exact description. Horror of being the next "dear".

Alex managed a little peek up from his desk and thought that he saw a raised hand. No. That wasn't possible. Who would push themselves in hell. Who'd volunteer for hell.

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