Chapter 18

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Alex saw Edward as soon as he entered the school premises along Violet. The idiot was standing in one corner of the ground with three brown cartons set on a small blue table. A huge line of at least 80 students stretched from his stall far into the ground. He had all sort of stuff on him, the "Let's go, Alex" t shirt for starters, then a "CENTER FOR CHAMPS" blue bandanna, a "Make it 9 in a row" Blue headband, blue wristbands with the central region logo. Hell, Alex wondered if he even had central region underwear with him as well.

Violet saw Alex staring with an expression of bewilderment.

"Um, maybe we had a little more than 50 shirts." She said with a cheeky smile.

How cute can this girl be, seriously.

Alex looked down at his shoes and smiled. His silky golden hair fell into his eyes so he jerked his head sideways to pull them away. Violet's heart melted. She goggled him with utmost intensity before he finally looked up at her. That warm smile flashed at her again, making her feel like the most important person in his world. He slipped his left hand into her right, lacing their fingers with each other.

Violet was caught off-guard. Was this really happening? Before she could think further, Alex began walking forth.

Okay it's completely normal, Violet. You are just walking with the hottest guy at school, holding his hand, accompanying him to his match. There's nothing noticeable there, well except that he is extremely hot. What are the other girls at school gonna think? Oh I am gonna have a few enemies made for me today after they see this.

As she was thinking, almost on cue, Desperate Elizabeth showed up. She came from behind, pushing herself in between of Alex and Violet. Her hands were on both their shoulders. The one on Alex's shoulder had been caressing him while the other was pushing Violet away.

"Don't you dare you filthy, self-loving idiot." Violet thought, though she wanted to scream that out loud. She had had enough of Elizabeth bugging her around and using her for her own amusement. For once, she was receiving special treatment from someone and Elizabeth had to come and ruin the moment. Was she, Violet, going to be sidelined once more on the inclusion of another person?

But Alex, much to her appreciation, didn't give Elizabeth any space. Instead he pulled Violet by the waist, and even closer to him. A thousand different sensations swept through her body. She felt tinged. Violet immediately began thinking of whether she applied perfume today. But Alex didn't seem to bother, his hand was firmly placed on her waist. Violet kept her eyes low and continued walking, concentrating on the next step. Why can't the distance to the school court increase?

Many students, mostly girls, came up to Alex to wish him luck for the match. Most of them were wearing the "Let's go, Alex" t shirts. It had become a type of style-statement. The girls sneered at Violet as they passed by, but for once, she was enjoying this. Knowing that girls were jealous of her somehow gave her a sense of importance.

It took them more time than usual to reach the court because of all the people who blocked their way to wish Alex luck, but Violet didn't mind at all. The line outside the court was huge. Larger than any line that they had seen ever before. It stretched even down to the stairs. Alex pulled Violet by the hand to guide her into the court, but she resisted.

"What?" Alex inquired. A look of disapproval was clear on Violet's face.

"We're not breaking rules, Alex."

"Exactly, we're not. I am a team player and I am supposed to be inside and change."

"But I, on the other hand, am supposed to be in this line and wait for my turn."

She was stupid, that was for sure. This line would take ages, and she might not get a good seat.

Violet looked down for a moment. She didn't want Alex to go. She had felt so special in the last hour that she simply didn't want it to end. Violet held his hand even tighter, still not meeting his eyes. Alex squared up on her and held her fragile bony shoulders.

"I'll miss you."

"Me too."


"Best of luck!"


"And don't wear that headband. You look better without it."

Alex felt heat rise in his gut. Was he really blushing?


He was in love, that he was sure of now.

-Two cute little chapters just to remind you guys that it's a romance that we're working on XD What about the match? Are we gonna win or lose? ps if anyone wants to give me advice on romance writing then you're more than welcome to :) 

tentative date for next update: 25th August, 2016.

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