Chapter 37

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Stuart had not noticed at all the effects of temazepam on his nervous system that so cunningly had been added by Charles to their breakfast. Nor did he notice that the real reason behind Elizabeth feeling dizzy was that she ended up eating the same breakfast as well. Charles had swiftly avoided eating at all with both of them. All he had to do was ask the cook to go and meet Stuart while he added the drug to the meal.

Stuart sat now in his office chair, feeling his eye lids heavier than usual. It was such an important day but it was his die hard wish right now to hibernate for a couple of months.

He stood up and staggered towards the bathroom towards the right of his office. Opening the huge wooden door that was polished to excellence, he entered and made his way towards the sink.

Stuart opened the water tap and washed his face. Why was he feeling so sleepy today? He looked up at the mirror in front of him and saw him standing behind.

Stuart turned around and lashed out but his reflexes were too slow. Charles punched him in the mouth and heard a sick crunching sound which meant he had broken Stuart's nose. He collapsed into a heap on the floor even before temazepam could force him.

After laying Stuart down on a black leather sofa in his office, Charles entered the lift and exited out into the warmly lit reception.
      "Mr. Stuart isn't feeling that well today. Cancel his appointments, please. He wanted a little rest before going on the mission." Charles said to the receptionist who immediately started typing on the keyboard. "Oh and ask everyone to gather outside the gym. Since Stuart isn't feeling well, I take it as my responsibility to lead this mission until he is fit. And get me a mike. Can't talk to such a huge crowd without it."

Charles walked purposefully to the open and made his way towards the gym. Upon reaching it, he saw that people were already gathering around.

Charles stood there and the other gangmembers began anxiously huddling all around him. News definitely did travel fast in the twenty-first century!

Gamgmembers filed in from everywhere. Some looking puzzled, some excited and some anxious. The crowd grew so large around Charles that it became hard to breath. Finally the mike came.
"Okay stand back! Stand back. For God's sake let me breathe." All of the people around him moved a few paces back. Charles took a deep breath. All these people had come here to see him. Just like people used to when he played basketball. He forced those pleasant memories out of his mind.

"All right! Today is a very important day, everyone. Today is the day that marks the ultimate superiority of the Confederants in the underworld. Today is when we squash all others to pulp. Today is when we rise above them all. And that is why today is probably the most important day that we've seen."

This had everyone listening carefully now. Even the ones who seemed to dislike Charles's sense of authority when they first reached seemed keen on picking up even the minor details of the speech.

"Today, we all go on a mission to destroy all others." Cheers and nods of approvals roared all around. The gang had always appreciated his agressive attitude.

"A meeting is being held between the Tyrants and Omens, who I believe, are the last remote threats left to us. All of their top leaders are going to be present there. We ambush them with our ultimate man power, which I am sure we can." Charles extended his hands out towards the audience which now roared with enthusiasm. He felt like Alex giving his pre-match speech.

"I want you all to be present here by 11.30 with all your armaments and board the 4 buses that we have here disguised as normal passenger ones. The bus leaves at sharp 11.40. Unfortunately Mr. Stuart is not feeling well and I have taken it upon me to be with him at all times in his car. You all will reach Ellen bridge and wait for our signal. I REPEAT: NO ONE MOVES UNTIL WE SAY SO!" There was dead silence around Charles now.

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