Chapter 38

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-Updating a day earlier because I can't wait... 

His heart was beating in a frantic way. He felt his presence before he even opened his eyes. Sweat lined his forehead as his mind swirled around, trying to pick up the last memory from somewhere at the back.

Stuart opened his eyes to see Charles sitting relaxed with one leg over the other. His chair was placed by the far side of the room. Stuart's eyes landed on him and he could suddenly remember. He had turned around to receive a punch in the face while washing it.

Stuart pulled his hand up to the nose so he could assess it but it wouldn't move. He was tied all around to the wooden chair that he was sitting in. His heart began beating even faster. He was as vulnerable as a dog with an injured leg, howling with pain and scared to death.

Alex looked up at the culprit who he had tied himself to the chair. His eyes had the same softness in them that they did ten years ago. He blinked and a tear raced down his cheek. He didn't bother wiping his face. Emotions were not to be held back today!

Alex stood up and made his way towards Stuart. His heart beating the way it did at Violet's touch. Stuart looked up at him, completely defenseless. His eyes creased in the light of the single bulb glowing at their heads.

For a moment they looked at each other, both with watery eyes. Then Alex wrinkled his nose in disgust and looked the other way. Another tear tried desperately to hang on to his chin and fell to the floor after a couple of tries.

"Who are you?" Stuart croaked. He knew he had been overthrown. He knew had made a fool of himself. But this guy was still a mystery.

Then he continued. "You had everything that you wanted back at my mansion. Money, respect, power. What is it that you wanted more?"

"I want you." Alex looked back into Stuart's eyes before completing his sentence. "DEAD."

"Who are you?" Stuart's booming voice was reduced to a mere whisper.

Alex's chest burned as he reached for his pistol that was tucked at the front of his jeans, so he left it. He walked to his chair and set it in front of Stuart. Then sat, gazing into Stuart's soul.

"Ten years," Alex began. "Ten years it took me to avenge myself."

Stuart's face still depicted incomprehension.

"I am Alex. The son...or well, adopted son of Arthur."

Stuart's eyes widened with shock and disbelief. How could this be?

"No. No. You''re lying. I-I-" Stuart whimpered.

Alex's chest burned even more. He felt agitated and incomplete.

"You killed me, right? That's what you are trying to say?" Alex smiled at the look on Stuart's face.

"I survived. A bullet in the chest and I still survived. You know why, Stuart?"

Stuart's lips quivered.

"I survived because of love. Love gave me life. Because love wished to be avenged by me. The doctors said it's unbelievable that I am live. But I know I only survived because I had to kill you."

There was a moment's silence in which Alex felt a knot tightening in his chest.

"But- but you're not like-" Stuart fell short of words.

"I am not like Alex? It's funny how people get so easily fooled by appearances. Masks, these are. Encasing our reality into molds that we never chose."

Stuart still stared blankly at Alex.

"I had a cosmetic surgery. I guess that was the easiest part to figure out. And before you come to the hair can always dye them."

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