Chapter 26

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-An equally longer next chapter to compensate the slightly shorter previous one.


The kitchen in which Mrs. Brown was standing in front of a stove, working on her newest dish, was filled with fumes and aromas of different spices that hung thick in the air.

She breathlessly made her way to the main door when the bell rang at around 2 in the afternoon. After peering through the eye-piece in the door and assuring herself that it was no intruder, she opened it with one huge flow.

"Hello Alex dear!" She said in her bright voice. Although she wasn't much of the judgmental type, she could not help but notice Alex's thin sweater that was rather too chilly for the January cold. His battered denims did not help in the effect- he hadn't changed in two days. "Oh, don't just stand there. Come in sweetheart."

She led him inside and gestured towards their grandtable (which wasn't grand at all). Alex sat in one of the six wooden chairs around the rectangular table.

A peculiar thought struck Mrs. Brown as she saw Alex staring at the blue flower-shaped vase in the center of the table which had a broken chip from it's mouth; She could not put her finger on the particular reason, but Alex looked like... like he was old.

She kept looking at him for some time and only did she retreat inside the house after Alex stopped taking interest in the vase and began looking back at her.

"I'll call Violet then." Her voice did not lose it's chirpy-ness even if a few bizarre thoughts circled in her mind.

She went back inside. Alex looked around and surveyed the room. He had learned to see things in a different perspective now. Less than a week ago he had had every luxury in life and maybe that was why he never appreciated it. But now, even this middle-classed old home seemed more than welcoming.

"Hi Alex!"

Her voice... so soothing and refreshing. He felt as if all the pain and sorrow was washing away as he let himself drown in her voice. He knew, even before turning his face towards her, that he would be smiling.

So much had happened since the last time they met. Yet their unexplainable connection remained as it did before.

"I'll take that as a hello from your side." Her teasing smile flashed at Alex with all it's might. He wanted to smile back, but realized that he already was.

"Yeah...urm hi!"

Violet sat in the chair opposite to Alex.

"So? You...didn't tell me you'd be visiting. I mean, I don't mind but still." Violet shrugged.

"There's something I need to tell you." Alex's serious tone sounded threatening. She knew even before asking what it was, that it wasn't something that would make her happy.

"You can trust me with everything." She reached out and held Alex's hands which were cupped together in a formal fashion with both of her's.

Alex stared down lifelessly into his lap. The only sign of life in him was his left thumb which was aimlessly stroking Violet's palm. After a while he looked up and determination had taken over his blue eyes.

"Can you call your mom. I... I want her to know as well."

"Yeah sure." Violet cupped her hand on her mouth and tilted her head before shouting. "MOM!!!"

Alex came to a general conclusion that even cute kids like Violet tended to be extremely lazy when at home and busy moms like Mrs. Brown only made it easier for them to cope with their lethargy. As expected, she appeared from the kitchen only a few seconds later.

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