Chapter 11

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-Assalam u Alaikum everyone (hello)! Although we haven't yet completed the given goal, but a thought struck me yesterday. Why am I striving for reads... I want readers, not reads and there are so many who're waiting for the next updates. So I beg your pardon for this late update. We'll reach the goal in a couple of days but this is for the people who've been messaging to update soon. Thank you for your support! :) 

'January 1st, 1980.

What a year my darling! What a fantastic year that came to an end. I'll never forget all the moments that we've lived in it. 1979, described in one word for me, would simply be beautiful. And to make it even more special, I took you out last night to your favorite restaurant "The Sea Shell".'

It seemed to Alex as if his dad wrote the diary to his mother.

'What an amazing night it was. And the weather was ever in my favor. Cause the colder it gets, the more you hold closer on to me (and you know I love that.)'

"O..kay. Dad is flirting..." Alex thought. "Never seen that before."

'Top that up with plenty of rain, and that earns me a whole night with you. Had to convince Chris the butler to let you in before we could sneak into to my bedroom, though. He has always been a fine man. But didn't want dad to know that you were here. He'd be giving me one of those "Love doesn't exist" lectures. Way past that. You're more of a necessity now.

But WHAT A NIGHT! Couldn't believe it at first. Your warm body against mine... It felt so nice. All night long, I feared someone would notice your presence up in my room. But we were too immersed in emotions to care much about that. The perfect end to a perfect year...'

Alex closed the diary at once. He knew he was invading on private property and immediately felt guilty. He wanted to put it back but one thought kept ringing in his mind. 1980 was Alex's birth year. Then why was dad so secretive about mom?

He opened the diary again and continued...

'January 4th, 1980.

I am sorry Liz. I am so sorry.'

The ink had blotted up in places and the handwriting was uneven, suggesting that dad's hand had been shaking while he wrote.

'We were stupid to have ever spent the night together. I was stupid to have ever brought you home. I've been crying my heart out for the last three days after hearing the news and I don't know what should we do. All that I know is that I love you and I'm gonna be by your side no matter what. I've loved you for so long and we've been hurt before, but we stayed together, and that's what keeps us strong. It's up to you, whether you want to have the baby or not.'

Alex's eye brows shot up. What was this all suggesting. He fumbled for the next page and continued.

'January 16th, 1980.

Been a rough couple of weeks. I respect your decision to keep the baby. But it means standing up to the whole world for it. Will I fight the world for you? In a million lifetimes, in every version of reality, I'd love you and I'd fight for you. Because you're ever so worthy of it.

Told dad about it and he's furious. He thinks it's the worst thing for business that can happen. "What'll the mafia think? Jacob's boy Arthur slept with a writer and now wants to marry her?" Think of what people will say he told me. But I don't care. I care about YOU. And I'll stand for you.'

'January 28th, 1980.

Your mother got to know about it. Slapped you for what we did. You had to pay for something that's both our fault. I do not find a reason why you're persisting with keeping the baby. Is it money? I told you I'd pay to get rid of it. "I am not killing an innocent soul" you said. "It's our fault. Not the baby's".'

'February 23rd, 1980.

I ruined both of our lives. One moment changed everything. I should have known better. I am so helpless. The best I could do was get you a small cottage on rent once your parents asked you to leave their house. I wanted to keep you at my place. I wanted to take care of you. I wanted to be with you in this time of hardship. But dad didn't let me. He said he doesn't want you or that bastard that'll come with you. He wants me to leave you. To focus on business and assignments of cocaine. But how can I? I think about you all day long. So many times I find myself staring at the walls and thinking about what you'll be doing. How'll you be surviving. And I am amazed why you still love me. Why don't you leave me?'

The diary entries becamse lesser and lesser as Alex flipped over pages. It seemed as if dad didn't have the courage to write.

'March 19th, 1980.

I always felt as if there was this third person spying on us when we went out on dates, and it's quiet literal now. I can feel the third soul between us when I go to your cottage to give you food. I can see you healing. I can see that same shimmer in your eyes when you smile at me. I love it that you're calmer with me by your side.'

'June 2nd, 1980.

Cancelled my meeting at Hong Kong. Couldn't risk you at this stage. Dad's furious. Thought he'd kill me with his eyes when he got to know I didn't catch my flight. Obviously he knows I stayed for you. He isn't really pleased with it though.'

'June 17th, 1980.

Dad agreed! I can't believe it. He finally agreed to have you at our place. OH MY GOD LIZ I AM SO HAPPY. Wait till I give you the news.

I think he didn't believe we'd keep the baby and we've proved it to him now. I love you.'

'June 18th, 1980.

Don't remember the last time I wrote a diary for two consecutive days but this feeling is so amazing. You're sleeping so peacefully by my side. Everything is starting to settle down. Life has started returning to course. We did it Liz. We beat everyone!'

'July 6th, 1980.

Doctors say it'll be coming any time in the start of August. It feels weird I mean. Being a father. But I am excited. You want to name him Alex if he's a boy and Jennifer if she's a girl. That's so cute...'

What Alex saw next, haunted him for the years to come.

'August 4th, 1980.

How could you do this to me Liz? How could you leave me? You could have told me Liz. YOU COULD HAVE ASKED ME FOR MY OPINION. YOU ENDED EVERYTHING THAT I HAD. I HATE YOU LIZ. I HATE YOU FOR DOING THIS. HOW COULD YOU BE SO SELFISH. HOW COULD YOU BE SO ARROGANT. WAS HIS LIFE MORE IMPORTANT OR YOURS? YOU'VE BROKEN ME, LIZ. YOU'VE BROKEN ME A MILLION PIECES INSIDE AND I DO NOT KNOW IF I'LL EVER BE THE SAME WITHOUT YOU. YOUR LAUGHTER RINGS IN MY HEAD AND I CAN SEE YOUR FACE WHENEVER I CLOSE MY EYES TO WIPE AWAY THE TEARS. I couldn't believe it when the doctor came outside to tell me that you were no more... Come back. I'll die without you, Liz. I'll give anything for you. I'll leave this business. I'll leave dad and this house. I just want you. Come back please. How could you die without me Liz... How could you leave me. You knew I had no one except you in this dark world.'

The whole page was smudged with thick tears and the writing was barely readable. Alex's face was the exact description of shock. His parents were never married... and his mother had died giving him birth... His whole life had been a lie.

-So? What do you think? Your thoughts on the latest proceedings of this story? Lemme know :) Also, I read in this wattpad guide type thingy that wattpad readers usually prefer short chapters so I've lessened the amount of words that I usually wrote per chapter. Is this better or shoul I revert to the previous length? Follow me and add this story to your libraries to get the latest updates :) Don't forget to vote and comment!!

Tentative date for next update: 3rd August, 2016.

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