Chapter 7

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A week had passed since everybody got to know about the school trip. The school was taking them to Fu hills which is an 8-hours drive North from school. They were going to leave by 8 am on Saturday and were supposed to come back by Sunday evening.

Everybody was excited for the trip and there was an extreme buzz around the campus. Wherever you went, students were talking about camping and their previous experiences or about what they're packing for the trip.

The previous week had just flown past without notice. It felt as if just a few moments ago Alex, Violet and the others were staring at the printout pasted on the noticeboard, all of them excited and chirpy about it. Everyone immediately agreed to come but Violet was reluctant. It took her a few days to confirm her presence for that trip.

"Mom is sick! I need to be with her." She had tried to reason.

"It's just a day Violet. You could ask someone else to take care of her for a day. Just this time, please." Alex argued.

"Yeah! And now you're part've our lot y'know. Either all've us go, or no one does. It's a simple rule ov'friendship." Edward added.

Everyone had tried to persuade her until she finally agreed to ask for permission. It took her a couple of days to confirm, but confirm she did, and the trip just became a whole lot more important for Alex.

Violet had jelled well into the group. Although the group was short on the number of girls, yet she didn't feel uncomfortable with them. Alex was always there to take her side in arguments and Edward entertained them with his timely humor. And with passing time, she became closer to her new group and was pulled away from Elizabeth and Taylor.

A fire burned inside Elizabeth. A fire of redemption. Her plan had failed. She had tried to become closer with Alex through Violet as his attraction for the girl seemed obvious enough to her. Yet it had simply back-fired. Not only had she lost Violet, but Alex now seemed too busy in talking to that girl that he didn't even notice her around at times.

"But during this trip," she had thought. "I'll use my plan to good effect."


Finally, now came the moment that everybody had been waiting for. On Saturday morning, students poured in the school with their backpacks filled with spare clothes and cheap junk food. Everybody gathered in the hall and teachers asked them to stand in order of their classes. Just as you'd think that the confusion was too much and that the havoc was getting out of control, Sir Shafiq came up on the stage and quietened everybody down.

"I want pin drop silence in this hall!" He exclaimed.

And the crowd froze in its place.

"Good! Now Mr. Ray, could you hand the list over to me?"

A paper was handed over to Mr. Shafiq who squinted his eyes in concentration and tried reading out. He called out classes which were lead out by their respective class teachers towards the numerous school buses standing outside, waiting for their passengers to board.

Almost the whole school had left but Alex's class was still waiting. A couple of lines on either side of him stood with exhaustion evident on their miserable faces. Finally Mr. Shafiq called out their class and they were lead outside by Mr. Ray.

Alex stood somewhere in the middle with Edward and Max, while Violet stood at the front with Elizabeth and Taylor. She hadn't talked to them much in the last few weeks, but today Elizabeth seemed to be overly attached with her. She had been holding Violet's arm almost since forever and was not letting go of her. Violet had a fake smile on her face which clearly showed her unease.

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