Chapter 13

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-Okay guys, keep in mind that this story is set in 1997. The diary was of the year 1980, and Alex is 17 years old so it makes the year 1997. Anything which gave you a hint that the story is set in modern times is a mistake by me. (For example, I wrote a few chapters ago that Alex and Violet listened to Taylor Swift and I doubt that she used to sing back in the 90's :3) , so I'll change the singer now.

Alex woke up outside the Emergency Theater. It had been two days since Violet's incident. For an odd reason, Alex found peace close to her. Even though he hadn't met her physically, but knowing that she's somewhere close gave him a deep sense of calm.

He walked to the Emergency Theater door and peeked in through the window. Several pipes wound through her chest as she lay with her eyes shut softly. It hurt him to see her that way, to know that it's all his fault. Yet, the thought that she'd be discharged today made him feel better.

"You're still here dear!" Alex turned around to face the ever bright, Mrs. Brown.

"Uh yeah! I'll leave once she's discharged."

"Now there, I think she'd like to meet you once they let her leave. We talked to her yesterday when the doctors let us in. She thinks she owes you an apology for what happened."

Alex gave half a smile.

She thinks it's her fault. Idiot.

"Sorry Mrs. Brown, but I think I should be going." Alex said. He had seen the side-effects of his love for that girl. He hurt her, even without letting her know about his feelings. No wonder what he'll stir once he tells her. This relation was by no means compatible. This relation would end up the way his parents' did. It'll come crashing down when they least expect it to. He needed to maintain distance now. He had stayed until he knew that she's fine, but he needn't do that any longer. The farther away they happened to be, the faster they'd forget they ever knew each other.

Alex walked to his seat in the waiting room and pulled his jacket up in one swift motion. Then, hanging it over his shoulder, he turned around one last time to face Mrs. Brown.

"She's lucky to have a mother." Mrs. Brown stared at him, clearly not understanding. "A mother like you." Alex clarified as Mrs. Brown's expressions softened.

"See you soon dear!" Mrs. Brown extended her warm smile.

I doubt that!


A week passed by after she was discharged. A sluggish week of faking smiles, failing tests and feigning practices. Alex had been working hard at school. He had never in his entire life worked this hard for his tests, and never had he got grades as bad as these.

The only way to get his mind off Violet was to read, but he just couldn't do that after reading his father's diary. It haunted him. The thought of killing his mother. Obviously it hadn't been his choice, but he was the reason behind her death, nonetheless. And he was the reason that Violet had to be hospitalized. He had simply concluded, specially after the latest proceedings, that he was a bad presence.

Then one day, while he was staring at the walls in his room, Edward burst through the door.

"Where 'ave you been? I've been looking for ya all 'round school." Edward inquired.

"I've been practicing lately... Y'know we've got the Inter-regional championship coming up in two weeks. Just got to know I'm leading the Central Region team." It was the next big thing after the Intra-regional tournament. Players from around the region were selected for the Regional teams, and this year, Alex and Max had been chosen for Central Region from their school.

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