Chapter 4: Date Night

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When I get back to my room I find Sang laying on her bed with this cute little girl on her face. I guess her talk with prince charming went well.

"Hey Sang, what's the smile about?" I ask her.

"Victor asked me out...well kinda...I think..." her grin morphed into a small pout at her confusion.

"Sang, you're confusing me. What exactly did Victor say?"

"Well he asked what I was doing tonight, and when I told him I was staying in he asked me to go out with him tonight. When I asked if it was a date he said that if I wasn't comfortable with that then we could just consider it two friends hanging out. And then when I asked what to wear, he told me to dressed comfortably and not to feel any pressure because it wasn't a date." She rambles.

I go and sit on my chair by my desk.

"Sounds like he wanted it to be a date but he wasn't sure if YOU wanted it to be a date." I tell her.

She ponders this for a moment before responding, "Why would he think I wouldn't want it to be a date?"

"I don't know." I say shrugging. "Did you explain to him about why you ran last night?"

"Yea, I told him how I didn't have any friends growing up because of my mom."

"Well then he probably just connected the dots from you not having any friends to never having gone on a date either. He probably just didn't wanna pressure you into anything. Would you feel comfortable going out with Victor alone even though it's not technically a date?"

"I'm not sure..." she says hesitantly.

"How about this." I start telling her, "Marc wants to hang out tonight, how about you and Victor tag along. That way you're not alone with him and you're more comfortable; and if at any time you decide that you do want to be alone with him all you have to do is tell me and I'll make it happen."

"Really?" she asks me, "You'd seriously give up a date with Marc just to make me comfortable?"

"I'm not giving it up." I scoff, "I'm just offering up the opportunity to grill potential suitors. Truthfully you'd be doing me a favor by making sure his intentions are pure." I say giving her smile that tells her this offer is more for her benefit than mine. She jumps off her bed to tackle me on my chair in a hug.

"Thank you Kayli! You are the best roommate a girl could ask for."

"Hey!" I say mocking offense, "I better be more than that if I'm giving up a date for you." I laugh.

"So much more!" she says giggling. "You're the sister I wish I had!"

"Don't you have a sister?" I feign confusion, of course I know she has a sister. It's that fact that she prefers me to her actual sister that has my heart growing.

"That's my point!" she says still giggling. By now she's detached herself from my limbs and is sitting on her beloved window seat.

"What room is Victor in?" I ask her, "I'll go tell him and Marc the change of plans while you go find us breakfast."

"Ok, he's in 315." she says while walking to the door after grabbing money from her drawer. "Thanks again for this Kayli, I mean it."

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