Chapter 52: Keeping Promises

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"Sang?" I look up from the table to meet his eyes. "Would you care to join me upstairs for desert?"

After this amazing dinner, I'm not sure I can eat much more, but something in his eyes make me think he's not referring to food. I'm not sure where the confidence comes from, maybe it's in his eyes; the way they hungrily drink me in as I stand from the table. He pushes his chair back, letting his eyes trail up my body, before he stands as well. His eyes drink in my outfit, chosen specifically for him, to suit his specific tastes.

All of my boys have very different personalities, which means they all have different opinions on what they like to see me in. I have to admit, I love dressing up for my boys. Tonight I have on a form fitting maroon halter dress that flows out at the waist, with a split down my right leg starting just above my knee, and black strappy heels, showcasing the pedicure I managed to get after we left the obstacle course. My hair is done in light curls, and is pulled to one side of my head to hang over my shoulder.

His eyes stop their perusal to meet mine, the desire I see in them is enough to have me blush the same color as my dress.

I lay my hand in his outstretched one as I reply to him, "I'd love to Owen."

I know you're probably wondering how we got here. Well, after jumping for joy with Kayli at the end of the course, we looped back around to have Phil tell us that we had the fastest time, and that we were free to go. He had Mrs. Rose drive us back to campus in the bus before going back to spend the night with them. In celebration of our renewed friendship, gained freedom, and impending dates, we decided to spend the rest of the day pampering ourselves. We went back to our dorms to grab some money and change before grabbing a cab into town to get mani-pedi's and get our hair done.

Once we got back to campus feeling fresh and invigorated, we helped each other pick out outfits for our dates, grilling each other about how the other's relationship was going since we hadn't been talking like we used to. After catching up, and getting dolled up, Owen and Axel arrived at the door where we each went our separate ways.

Owen brought us to the Academy house, where dinner awaited us in the dining room. The setup was absolutely beautiful. There were candles everywhere and the large table was covered in a white table cloth with food and drinks on one side. We sat across from each other as we ate the beautiful mean that Owen prepared, which consisted of roast turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans and yams. The conversation was kept light and casual, only slight mentions of the night before, and now, here we are.

We leave the dining room hand in hand, and go up stairs. On the top floor, we walk down the hall and stop at the third door on the right. Owen releases my hand to stand in front of me, looking into my eyes while he opens the door behind him. He steps to the side and gestures for me to enter before him, and walking into the room, I'm greeted by the subtle scent of Jasmine over the natural spring soap scent that I associate with Owen.

I feel the air shift as Owen walks into the room and closes the door behind him. The feel of his hands moving over my waist sends a delightful shiver through my body before he brings them to rest on my hips. His body becomes flush with my back as he takes a step closer and I close my eyes to revel in the feel of being in his arms.

"What do you think?" he whispers in my ear.

My body trembles as his warm breath ghosts over my ear and I open my eyes. His queen sized bed has a light grey comforter with white throw pillows, all covered in bright red rose petals. His desk has a candle on each corner, giving the room a soft glow; in the center is a silver tray with a cover, hiding what I'm assuming is desert. There's a soft violin piece playing from the speakers on his desk.

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