Chapter 46: Sugar for the Doctor

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~Powerful, there's so much strength in you and me

Powerful, a breath away from victory

I matter, you matter, we matter~

"Hi Dr. Sean." I say as I answer my phone.

"Hey yourself Pookie." He responds. "What are you doing up on this beautiful Saturday morning?"

"Going over my assignments for next week. I need to make sure that all of last week's craziness didn't put me behind schedule." I tell him giggling.

"I'm sure everything is right where it needs to be Pookie."

"I'll believe that when I see it. So, what about you? Why are you up so early?"

My phone said that it was 8:25. College students aren't usually up this early on a Saturday.

"Well, I have to head over to the hospital where I'm doing my residency. I was wondering if a certain little bird wanted to tag along and be my nurse for the day."

"That sounds like fun. What time did you want to leave?"

"How does half an hour work for you? I can bring breakfast." I can hear the grin in his voice.

"Sure Dr. Sean." I giggle. "I'll start getting ready now."

"Now Pookie, if you don't stop those giggles, I'll be forced to give you the cure. See you soon."

"See you soon Sean."

After I hang up, I see that Kayli is looking at me with half closed eyes. She must have gotten back after me. I wonder what her and Raven were up to all night. On second thought, I don't think I want to know.

"You got in late." I comment as I walk over to my closet.

"Or early." She mumbles. "However you want to look at it."

"Was there an AM after the time you stumbled through the door?" I ask her.

"Why yes, actually there was."

"And was the sky still dark?"


"Then it was late."

"Then I need more sleep. Have fun with your doctor."

After that she rolls back over to face the wall, and falls promptly back asleep. I grab my shower pack and head into the bathroom. After I'm done, I change into a pair or dark blue denim jeans, and a purple long sleeved t-shirt with my black and grey converse. After I throw my hair up into a ponytail, there's a soft knock on my door.

"Well good morning Miss Sang. Ready to play doctor?" Sean says as I open the door.

He has on a purple button up shirt, with black slacks and his white doctor's coat. In his hand is a brown paper bag.

"You can't play doctor Sean. You are a doctor." I giggle.

"Be careful with those giggles Pookie, I might have to give you the cure."

"And what exactly would that be Sean?" I ask as I close the door behind me, trying not to wake Kayli back up.

"Keep giggling and you'll find out." He winks.

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