Chapter 28: Sleepover

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After we left the house, I stayed attached to Victor's side. The boys formed a barrier around us, separating me from the outside world. They took me back to my room, so that I could grab my phone, the charger, and a change of clothes. After today's revelation they wanted us all together tonight, and I couldn't find any reason not to stay with them. All 10 of us sat in my cramped little room, trying to figure out our next move. I was in Victor's lap on my bed, with North and Silas. Nathan, Lucian, and Gabriel, were on Kayli's bed, and Kota and Sean were in the window seat. Leaving Owen to stand by the door; I didn't think it was right, but he insisted.

"How are you feeling Aggele?" Silas asked me.

"Hurt, and hungry. Really hungry." I say while putting my head in the crook of Victor's neck.

"You handled that very well Sang. There are many ways that altercation could have taken a turn for the worse." Owen commends me.

"I know." I mumble. "But I thought about it. And I know that I could have said any number of mean and hurtful things back to her, but that wouldn't have helped the situation. Anything I could have said would have ground what is left of our relationship into the dust. I don't want that for us. I'd like to think that we could get past this, eventually."

"Your heart is so big Pookie." Sean says to me.

I shrug. I don't see how my heart can be bigger than anyone else's. If anything, I'd say that my past experiences have allowed me to be more compassionate towards others and their hardships.

"He's right Sang." Kota tells me. "You were the bigger person today. I hope she doesn't take too long in realizing that her anger is only hurting her."

"That chicks anger issues are worse than North's." Lucian comments.

North grunts in what I can assume is agreement. A ping is heard around the room and everyone takes out their phones to see who's it is. Owen seems to be the lucky winner.

"What is it Owen?" Sean asks him.

"It seems Miss. Winchester needs her keys. She'd like to stay in her own bed tonight."

"Shocker." I mumble into Victor's neck.

I feel his chest vibrate with his chuckle.

"Did I miss something?" Nathan asks.

"Sang?" Owen prompts me.

"While we were arguing, I may or may not have said something along the lines of how she hardly ever sleeps in her own bed anymore."

"So where's she been sleeping?" Kota asks.

"Depends on which boy is available." I mumble.

Victor, Silas and North, being the only ones near me, start to laugh.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side Pookie."

"I think that goes for all of us." Lucian comments.

There are nods all around the room and Owen brings up the second part of my answer.

"Where would you like to go to eat Sang?"

"It doesn't really matter to me." I tell him.

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