Chapter 19: Sunday Swoons

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**Who wants to see something absolutely adorable? I do! You guys are amazing and I think you deserve a reward!**


Waking up next to North was better than I could've ever imagined. Surrounded by his warm musk sent, with Silas's ocean, is heavenly. Surprisingly enough, I went back to sleep pretty easy with North's arms around me. I'm currently laying on his chest, both arms wrapped around his waist. His head surprisingly light on top of mine, with one arm around my shoulders and the other on my arm over his stomach. I'm really glad I'm not a drooler or this would be seriously embarrassing.

I'm suddenly extremely aware of how intimate a position this is, I have one leg out flat next to his, while the other is bent at an angle, draped over his man parts, my core aligned with his hipbone. Dear God kill me now. Could this be any more embarrassing!? Not only did I wake him up with my stupid nightmare, now I'm practically molesting him in his sleep. While I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have a problem with it if he were awake, he's currently fast asleep! Exactly how creepy am I being right now? I practically climbed him in my sleep! Like he's some sort of tree! Although standing... No! Bad Sang! You will NOT think about being a monkey and climbing this poor unsuspecting man like a tree!

But what a fine tree he'd be... STOP IT! Ugh, it is way too early for me to be having these kind of thoughts. I'll just slowly move my leg as not to wake him. Holy crap! Is that his penis under my leg!? And he's hard!? Kayli's told me about morning wood but I had no idea-

"Baby you're blushing hard enough to light me on fire. Relax." North tells me, his voice gruff with sleep.

Wait! He's awake!? How long has he been up? And he just let me stay here practically dry humping him? I think I need an aspirin, my head can't take much more of this.

"Sang, Baby, relax." He says again as he pulls me closer.

My leg rubs against him, pulling a groan from his lips.

"Problem brother?" I hear Silas ask from across the room.

My God! He's up too? Could this morning be any more embarrassing!?

"At least now I know why she's hot enough to fry bacon." North responds.

"She's always hot enough to fry bacon, brother." Silas comments.

"You got that right." North mumbles.

"Um hi. I'm right here." Oh great why did I have to go and open my big mouth.

"Trust me baby, I know."

I push up off of North's chest to see him grinning up at me. A look over to Silas' bed reveals him propped up on his elbow looking over at the two of us with a smirk on his face.

"Morning Silas." I say sweetly.

"Morning Aggele."

A hand tightening around my waist says that North will not be left out.

"Good Morning North Star."

"Morning Baby."

I move my hand from North's chest to sit up on my own and stretch. I feel a breath of air hit my stomach, causing me to look down. Apparently my tank top had some traitorous intentions during the night. My top has moved up to rest right below my breasts. Fixing my wardrobe malfunction would have been quite comical from the pout North gave, if it wasn't for the desire burning in his eyes.

Seriously, is it getting hot in here or is it just them?

"Aggele, would you like to accompany us to breakfast?"

"What time is it?" I ask them.

"A little after 9." North tells me.

I think over my schedule for today. Besides meeting up with Kota later, I don't really have anything I need to do. Although, he never told me what time our date was gonna be. I'll just ask him when I get to my room.

"Sure." I tell them. "Just let me go shower and change. Pick me up at 10?" I ask while getting out of bed and walking over to my clothes.

"Sure Aggele." Silas says as I turn to face them.

"Perfect, see you in a bit."

As I walk to the door, I stop in the middle of their beds. I lean over to North's side, giving him a kiss on the cheek, then going over to Silas to repeat the motion. So that I'm not tempted to look at their faces to see if they're ok with this, I quickly dash out the door and downstairs to my room.

After taking my shower, I grab my phone off the charger and text Kota while walking into my closet.

Me: Good Morning Kota

Kota: Morning Sang

Me: Just wanted to know what time I should be ready by.

Kota: I was thinking 2. Is that ok?

Me: That's fine. Should I wear anything specific?

Kota: Casual is fine.

Me: Ok, see you at 2

Kota: :)

During our chat, I managed to grab a pair of skinny jeans, slip on a new pair of sandals, throw on a light pink t-shirt and throw my hair up into a ponytail. I check my phone for the time right before I hear a knock on the door.


Waking up between two steam heaters, feeling deliciously sore is definitely the best way to wake up. I can't believe what we did last night. Hell, I can't believe what I did last night, let alone what I let them do. Mhmm never have I ever felt this boneless in all of my 19 years on this earth. I can tell you're wondering why I've woken up between sex on legs and the Russian mob boss, but didn't stay with 1 half of the holy hotness twins. Well, my adoring public, the answer is simple. They didn't let me leave. Every time I'd wake up to try and sneak out while it was still dark, they'd wake up and put me back to sleep in the most amazing ways.

Many condoms and a multitude of orgasms later I find that it's better to just lie here draped in their warmth. At least until my bladder decided to go rogue on me...which it was doing now. Ok, let's try this again. Hopefully they can tell that I'm just trying to use the bathroom, and not sneak out. A girl can dream can't she? Apparently not, as soon as I lifted my top half from the bed, I feel a pair of lips caressing my hip bone on either side. Ugh! They just love to tag team me.

"Guys I have to pee." I wine.

"No you don't." Raven tells me, moving up my right side.

"I really do." I pout.

"Hold it." Axel stops his delicious torture to capture my left breast.

"It'll make orgasm better." Raven supplies.

"Guys pllleeeaaasee. I really have to go."

"Fine." Axel huffs and lays back on the bed. "You've got 3 minutes, make em count. Raven let her go."

"I'll be counting nemnogo dikaya koshka." He says as he moves back to lean on the headboard. "2.45."

Icrawl out of the bed and feel a resounding slap to both my ass cheeks. Ugh,these boys will be the death of me. 

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