Chapter 40: Game Day

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**A/N: This is what was supposed to go up last week, but seeing as how I just finished it...anyway, I've added in North's part from last week. Enjoy!**


Waking up next to Sang Baby is always the best feeling in the world, but I must say, waking up with her wrapped around me like a monkey, after what we did last night, has me feeling like I'm the king of the world. I blew my load faster than a 13 year old with his first porno mag, and I feel no shame in it. The feel of her legs wrapped around my waist, her tiny hands clutching my arms, her mouth on my neck. God, I'm getting hard again just thinking about it. With how she reacted to her own arousal last night, I highly doubt she's gotten this far with any of my brothers, and damn if that doesn't make me feel great.

A chime makes me look over to my desk to see my phone lighting up. I slowly extract myself from Sang Baby, and hearing her groan in discomfort brings a smile to my face. I know Baby, I didn't want to leave either.

I pick up my phone as see a text from Si.

Silas (10:18am): Game day, need supplies. I'm waiting by your truck.

Me: Gotta let Baby know I'm leaving. Be down soon.

Silas: (thumbs up emoji)

Shaking my head, I go into my closet and change quickly, I'll take a shower at the house. After putting my phone and my keys in my pocket, I rouse Baby just enough to tell her I'm heading out, and she's welcome to stay as long as she likes. She mumbles back a confirmation before drifting back to sleep.

When I get downstairs, Si is right where he said he'd be, standing by my truck.

"How's Aggele Mou?" He asks as I climb into the cab, starting the car.

"Satisfied." I say with a smirk on my face. "She asked for you last night."

"She did?" He raises an eyebrow at me before looking back at the passing scenery.

"Yeah, she woke up from a pretty intense dream. Tried to distract me from asking about it by asking where you were."

"Did she tell you about the dream?"

"Not in so many words."

"What do you mean?"

"Sang moró eíche éna ygró óneiro. (Sang Baby had a wet dream.)"

"Aggele? Pragmatiká? (Really?)"

"Yeah, and I have a sinking suspicion it was her first."

"Guess that was a boost to your ego." Si says on a chuckle.

"Damn straight." I laugh back. "Helping Sang Baby get to her first orgasm was an unbelievable experience."

"I'm sure it was, and now that she's had a taste, she'll be more comfortable when she experiences what the Greeks have to offer."

"Shut up!" I chuckle as I push his shoulder while pulling into the parking lot in front of the grocery store.

We head inside and grab all the things needed for a day of watching football; beer, chips, frozen pizza's. Game on.


Waking up in North's bed without him was a bit, odd. It felt nice...right, but I still found myself thinking of the others. Having Silas' lingering scent in the room only added to that fact. Looking at the time on my phone, I see that I still have a few hours before I have to meet with the dance group. Keeping North's shirt on, I grab my keys and head down to my room to get some work done. I study a bit before going to take a shower and getting ready. I throw on a pair of leggings, with some jogging shorts over them, a tank top, and some tennis sneakers.

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