Chapter 57: Sweep Me Off My Feet

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After talking with the guys the other night, I couldn't stop thinking about Owen's last text. If we even had a fraction of love for her. Does he love her? I think I might...has he told her? What would she think if one of us told her? Would she choose them? That's the only thing that ran through my mind. What I would do if she chose one of us, instead of staying with all of us. I need his to work, it's the only way I get to keep her.

So, what do I do? I ask her out, duh! I may not be sure if I love her, but I do know that I want to keep her in my life. And the only way to do that is to make sure she's happy with us. The only way to do that is to take her out, and show her how much she means to us. To me.

"Hey Trouble," I grin at her as she walks out of the classroom.

"Hi Meanie," she says with a small smile.

"Hey Gabe, what are you doing here?" Kota asks me as he walks out of the classroom with Luke.

"Came to pick Trouble up for our date." I tell him grinning.

I wrap my arm around Sang's waist and lead her out of the building with Kota and Luke following.

"Where you guys headed?" Luke asks.

"It's a surprise." I tell him when Sang looks over with a raised eyebrow.

I texted her earlier to ask if she was doing anything after her last class. When she said no I was immediately relieved. Even if she was mad at us for last night, it's hard to find time to date the girl you like in between school and her dating your 8 other brothers. I always wonder how she does it. I know that we can be a bit much to deal with, and I hate to think that we might push her away.

I often wonder how we got so lucky to find someone who fits each of us so perfectly. If she leaves... She's the only girl that I've ever dated that actually gets me. She never thought I was gay, she likes when I dress her up and do her hair, and she always pushes me to do better. She says it's because she knows I can. No one has ever believed in me as much as she does, not even the guys. I can't lose her.

Anyway, when she told me that she was free, I told her not to make any plans, and that I'd be picking her up after Algebra. When she asked what we'd be doing, I told her not to worry about it and trust that we'd have a good time.

"Come on buddy, you can't even tell me?" Luke whines.

"No, she might finagle the answer out of you someway between here and the dorms. Plus, her hearings like North's, I'm taking no chances."

"Meanie," I hear her mumble. Then louder she says, "How am I supposed to know what to wear if you won't tell me where we're going?"

"Easy, Trouble, you're not. I am. I'm your personal stylist remember? Trust that I won't have you looking a hot mess. Not that you could. You'd still look gorgeous in a potato sack." I tell her honestly.

"Like that episode of project runway?" She asks with a smirk.

"Yeah, but you'd look 10 times better than those girls without even trying." I tell her with a wink causing her to blush.

"He's right, 10. You have what my mom would call flawless beauty." Kota tells her.

"Sure do Cupcake." Luke interjects.

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