Chapter 38: Taken by the Academy Pt 2

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Skating with the boys was sooo much fun! We fell a few times, mostly because of me, but even then, we were laughing and giggling about it. This day was exactly what I needed to keep my mind free of things that will only cause me a headache, like the Academy...or Kayli...but it's Saturday and we haven't heard anything back from them about the next phase of this...process?

I mean, I know we just handed in everything yesterday, but didn't he say we'd have to complete a certain number of these challenges before the end of the semester? There are about 5 weeks left until finals, not to mention midterms next week. Will we really even have the time to dedicate to these challenges as well as completing our course work?

These are all the thoughts that are rushing through my head after the boys drop me off at the dorms. They couldn't walk me up because North needed his Jeep back and Gabriel had to go do something, he wouldn't say what. So imagine my surprise when I walk in my room and see and envelope on my bed, and Kayli flipping through a magazine on hers.

After closing the door behind me, I look back and forth from Kayli, to the envelope, wondering what it could possibly be.

"Don't look at me, it was here when I got back from my lunch with Axel." Kayli says when my eyes drift back to hers. "There was one on my pillow too. Haven't opened it yet."

"Why not?" I ask her as I take a seat on my bed.

"Figured with all the smoke and mirrors it's from the Academy. Thought we could open it together." She replies as she throws her legs over the side of the bed, sitting up and putting the magazine down.

"Oh, then let's do it."

I pick up the envelope and see my name in a pretty script. I flip it over and open it up, pulling out a card with what looks to be a poem on it.

If acceptance is what you seek

Go to the place where you find peace

Over the river and through the woods

To grandma's house we go

Time to jump down the rabbit hole


"What the fuck? What the hell is this supposed to mean?"

"I think it's supposed to test our intelligence." I mumble as I look over the poem again.

To the naked eye, it just looks like someone's bad attempt at poetry, but looking deeper...I'm not so sure.

"What the fuck are we supposed to do with this?"

"I think we're supposed to decode looks like instructions." I gasp as I look up at her.

"Instructions? Instructions to where, the middle of the freaking woods?"

"If it were anyone besides the Academy sending this, I'd say yes. Since it's them, I'm thinking there's a deeper meaning in this."

"But every line is leading to the woods. Look! It even says 'woods' in the stupid thing!" She exclaims.

"And I'm telling you, there's no way it's that simple."

"Then where do you think it's telling us to go Miss Know It All? Sorry." She mumbles, after I send a glare in her direction.

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