Chapter 55: All Thoughts Lead to Sang

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I'm sitting in my Chemistry class Monday morning, listening to our professor drone on and on about what's gonna be on the final next week, when my thoughts turn to Trouble. Not that they don't always turn to Trouble, but not being able to see her this last weekend really got to me. I mean, I know we were with her yesterday, but we were gone for fucking three days! Three whole fucking days! Call me dramatic all you want, but you try going without the girl that is quickly becoming your everything, for even a day and tell me how you fucking feel.

All I seem to be able to do lately is think about her. How good she looks in the clothes we got her, how awesome her fucking hair is, how soft her lips feel. Man, I really need to get a fucking grip. I've never felt like this about a girl before. I mean, I've dated girls before, but nothing this serious. I think I'm starting to fall in love with her. Hell, I've even thought about us losing our virginity to each other. How fucking whipped does that make me!? Fuck, like she'd even want to when she's got guys like North and the others that are more experienced. She'd want to be with someone experienced for that kinda shit right? Someone who knows what the fuck they're doing.

I don't know, a part of me thinks it'd be fucking romantic to lose it with another virgin. Getting to know what the other with all the mistakes and shit. Fuck! I've gotta get her out of my least for right now. I gotta pass this final. Shit, if she doesn't want to be with a virgin, she definitely wouldn't want to be with someone who flunks their classes. Not when she's got someone like Kota. I know for a fact that he's never failed a class. Fuck!

"Dude? You ok?" Luke asks me, pulling me out of my Sang fog.


"You haven't written anything for like the past 5 minutes. I thought daydreaming was my thing." He says with a laugh.

"Yea, I'm fine. Just thinking."


"The fuck?"

"Sang fog. I figured if you're thinking about something that hard, as to not even pay attention to the review for the final, it must be Sang related."

"Fuck." I sigh. "Yeah, it's Sang."

"Don't stress so much, she's already dating all of us. There's not much to really stress about. Besides these finals," he finishes with a chuckle.

"Shit, yeah, you're right. I should be paying attention. I just can't help it sometimes you know? I could be doing something completely unfucking related and somehow..."

"You're thoughts turn to Sang? Tell me about it. I can barely pay attention in my dessert class without thinking about her. Did you know I almost overcooked my flan after our date a few weeks ago?"

Shit, that was a pretty fun day. After I walked in on them and everything, haha. They weren't even thinking about the food on the bed, and Luke fucking loves his chocolate chip pancakes. I get it though, hell, our date on my birthday was fucking amazing. Best fucking birthday ever!

"Yeah, I get what you mean. She's all I can think about in my design class. I'm always sketching shit that I'd think she'd look good in. She's like my fucking muse or some shit."

"I hear you brother."

"Hey Luke? I know that we're sharing her and shit now, but what's gonna happen after next week?"

I try to keep the shakiness out of my voice but I'm fucking scared. I don't want to live in a world where I can't see my Trouble everyday, but she still hasn't told us what she's going to be doing over the break.

Luke looks away for a second before turning back to me, "Let's cross that bridge when we get to it. Ok buddy?"

"Yeah, you're probably right."

We both turn back to the front of the room to try and get as much information as possible about this test. I know we'll have another review on Wednesday, but it won't be of the same information.

After class is over, I find myself in another Saze. Fuck Luke and his Sog, shit sounds like a fucking disease. At least Saze sounds like a drug, which is pretty much what she is. She's a fucking drug that I can never get enough off. We make it all the way back to our dorm room while I'm in my Sang induced haze. I can't even tell you how we got here if I'm being honest.

Luke drops off his bag then heads off to the cafe to grab us something to eat. I decide to get a head start on my final for my art class. We have to do 10 pieces for our portfolios. I decided to use my family as inspiration, and I'm glad it worked; I already have 5 of them completed. I plan on handing them all in next week in class so I'll be done, instead of using that time to try and finish. At least that way I'll have more time to pack up our stuff for when we head back home.

And thinking of heading back home only brings my thought right back to this break, and if I'll still be able to see Sang everyday. Why hasn't she told us what she's going to do over break? Oh hell, even where she's going?

We only live a couple of hours away from the school. If she wanted, she could come stay with one of us. Or once she passes initiation, the Academy could find a small place for her in Charleston. I don't care where she's at, as long as she's with us. I'll drive all across town every fucking day if I have to.

Running my hand through my hair, I sit down at my desk and open up my sketch pad to a new page with Sang still on my brain. The pictures that I've done of my brothers so far have all been from a memory of us back home. Maybe I can do the same with Sang, even if I didn't know what her old home looked like. Not that it was really a home. You're supposed to feel safe and loved in your home, not afraid every time you turn a corner.

She seemed to really enjoy ice skating once she got the hang of it. It snows a lot around this time in Illinois right? Maybe I can use that...

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