Chapter 6: More New Friends

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Deciding to pick Luke up from his Algebra class on Tuesday was the biggest stroke of dumb fucking luck that I have ever encountered. Why you ask? I'll fucking tell you why! As soon as the class lets out the most beautiful head of chameleon hair that I have ever fucking seen comes walking out the room! And it's attached to a fucking goddess! I mean, she's fucking gorgeous, and I just have to gets my hands on that hair. The clothes could be a little better, but even in simple shit she looks perfect. I have to know who she is.

"Luke!" I say while pulling him out the door, "Who the hell is she?!" I say while pointing to the mystery girl's retreating form.

"Oh her?" He says with a smirk, getting that dreamy look in his eyes, "That's Sang, hot right?"

"Try fucking gorgeous." I tell him.

Just then, Kota walks out of the room and we start to head out of the building.

"What are you two talking about?" he asks.

"Gabe just saw Sang." Luke says matter-of-factly.

"Oh, yea." Kota replies with a small smile, "she tends to have that effect on people."

"Luke you have to introduce me." I tell him.

"Talk to Kota man, he's the one who actually knows her apparently. How did you get her to talk to you?"

"I bumped into her in the hallway on Friday, then we talked at the party. She knows Victor, Nathan and Silas too. Nate, Victor and I hung out with her for a bit on Sunday but I actually haven't gotten a chance to talk to her since. Just text."

"Is that why you three were looking all star-struck at the family meeting?" Luke asks him.

Kota just blushes and pushes him glasses up on his face but doesn't answer.

"Give me her number." I tell him.

"Gabe dude, don't you think she's be a bit weirded out but some random number texting her?" Luke asks me.

"Does it look like I give a flying fuck what's weird?" I ask them. "I have to get my hands on that hair! Do you think she dyes it?"

"Gabe man, calm down. Look Marc and Corey know her too. See what you can do with that. I'll catch you guys later." With that he walks off towards the library while me and Luke head towards the dorm.

"I'll see if I can get Corey to give me some info, alright man? Just relax." Luke tells me.

"I'll relax when I get her to notice me." Luke just laughs.

Don't worry, I'll show him.

**Later that night**


When Corey asked me to invite Sang to go with us to the Karaoke bar tonight I was a bit skeptical. I thought he meant for this to be a date. He quickly alleviates my doubts by telling me that his friends Luke and Gabriel wanted to meet Sang but they know of the disappearing act she pulls after class. When we get there I immediately go sign Sang up to sing "Leave Me Lonely" by Ariana Grande. She does amazing with that song, all of her pent up emotions about her situation with her family comes pouring out of her. It may be a song about a love lost, but Sang can turn anything she sings into something deeper. We pick a table in the middle and I have Corey go to get us some drinks; Sang starts to request something non-alcoholic but I quickly convince her that one drink won't hurt. When she's halfway done with her drink, the announcer calls her name and Corey taps my shoulder and points to the door. Looks like his friends have just arrived.

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